[ACT-R-users] PhD scholarship available at University of Groningen

Hedderik van Rijn D.H.van.Rijn at rug.nl
Wed Mar 11 17:56:37 EDT 2009

Dear colleague,

a 4-year PhD scholarship has become available at the Department of  
Psychology at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. This  
scholarship is only applicable to holders of a non-Dutch passport. If  
you happen to know someone who qualifies, who is interested in formal  
approaches to cognition and who is looking for a PhD position, could  
you ask him/her to contact me? (Obviously, if you yourself are  
interested, feel free to contact me as well.)

The topic of the project can be either time perception or optimized  
learning regimes (i.e., spacing).

Possible methodologies: computational/statistical modeling, EEG, TMS,  
eye tracking, and more traditional behavioral experiments.

More information on the scholarship can be found here: http://www.rug.nl/bureau/expertisecentra/azis/az/producten/ubboe/ubboinshort

Proposals for projects need to be in as soon as possible.

  - Hedderik.

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