[ACT-R-users] Future of ACT-R Workshops

Hedderik van Rijn D.H.van.Rijn at rug.nl
Sun Jul 19 06:08:42 EDT 2009

On Jul 18, 2009, at 23:51 , Gluck, Kevin A Civ USAF AFMC 711 HPW/RHAC  
> I'd like to see ICCM and the ACT-R workshop adopt alternating  
> biennial schedules.  Both co-located with CogSci, of course.
I like this option quite a bit as well. It will enable people with  
less travel funds to attend both conferences regularly. If either ICCM  
or the ACT-R WS wants to hold more meetings, additional Winter or  
Spring meetings could be added to this schedule, for example the SOAR- 
ACT-R meeting John mentioned.

However, I completely agree with John that this year's construction  
does not provide for much "community building". Therefore, I would  
prefer to have a biannual multi-day (2?) ACT-R workshop aligned with  
CogSci, not as a one-day CogSci-workshop as it is this year.

If ICCM decides to go annual, I would *not* be in favor of keeping it  
co-located with CogSci, as two very similar conferences in a row is a  
bit too much. As this does not hold, in my experience, for a workshop- 
conference sequence, I would be in favor of having ICCM move to either  
Spring or Autumn, and to have the ACT-R workshop aligned with CogSci.

  - Hedderik.


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