[ACT-R-users] Topics in Cognitive Science

Wayne Gray grayw at rpi.edu
Fri Feb 6 11:09:51 EST 2009


I am very pleased to announce that the first issue of topiCS, Topics  
in Cognitive Science, has been published. Hard copies should be on  
their way to all of the members of the Cognitive Science Society. In  
the meantime, all members and everyone else in the world can download  
articles from the Wiley InterScience website. The "everyone else in  
the world" bit will change for future issues, but it holds for now so  
we should try to publicize this as widely as possible.


Make sure that your campus librarian knows that topiCS is bundled with  
CSj and that both journals are being published by Wiley-Blackwell and  
not Erlbaum and not Taylor & Francis.


topiCS – Topics in Cognitive Science
  the newest publication of the Cognitive Science Society

Submissions and reviews

topiCS homepage
Cognitive Science Society homepage

Founding & Executive Editor
  Wayne D. Gray
  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  email: grayw at rpi.edu

Journal Managing Editor
  Caroline Verdier
  Indiana University
  Eigenmann 819
  1910 E. 10th St.     Bloomington, IN 47406-7512
  phone: 812-855-4883
  fax: 812-855-1086
  email: topicsj at indiana.edu
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