[ACT-R-users] DM Retrieval Request and chunk-type hierarchy/subtype/supertype

Stu @ AGS TechNet stu at agstechnet.com
Thu Aug 27 14:24:56 EDT 2009

    I have been looking for a detailed discussion of how a retrieval 
request "+retrieval>" functions for chunk-type supertype matches (or 
subytpe matches).
    I have not been able to find any such discussion (in archives, 
tutorials, or reference manual).
    Can anyone steer me in the right direction?
    My questions are:
Thank you,

AGS TechNet

P.O.Box 752384

Dayton, OH 45475-2384

937-903-0558  Voice

513-297-0880  Fax

stu at agstechnet.com <mailto:stu at agstechnet.com>

www.agstechnet.com <http://www.agstechnet.com/>

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