[ACT-R-users] Postdoctoral Position

Philip Pavlik ppavlik at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Aug 25 11:32:08 EDT 2009

Postdoctoral research opportunity - Learning Science - Carnegie Mellon


Learning and Adaptive Tutoring in Pre-Algebra


We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to work on an educational research
project investigating prerequisite remediation for students using a
pre-algebra computerized learning system. The goal of this work is to
improve the existing system by providing just in time remediation for
deficits in student knowledge or skills that may hamper progress in the
system. An ideal candidate for this position will have experience with
math pedagogy, instructional design, or teaching experience. The
position will involve designing and running experiments, data analysis,
and writing scholarly research articles. Other useful skills for this
project include task analysis, think aloud protocols and experience with
computerized learning systems.


If you are interested in this position please send an email to Dr.
Philip Pavlik (ppavlik at andrew.cmu.edu) with a curriculum vitae and a
description of your availability. For more information on the grant this
work involves, please see
8>  and http://optimallearning.org/ies/index.html
<http://optimallearning.org/ies/index.html> .



Philip I. Pavlik Jr.

Human Computer Interaction Institute

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA 15213 


ppavlik at andrew.cmu.edu <mailto:ppavlik at andrew.cmu.edu> 

http://optimallearning.org/ <http://optimallearning.org/> 


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