[ACT-R-users] CogModel notes: ICCM09/CogSci09/BRIMS09/Workshop/TiCS/Books/Positions
Frank Ritter
frank.ritter at psu.edu
Sat Apr 4 20:03:39 EDT 2009
[Please forward as/what is appropriate, such as to students' mailing
lists, and for calenders of events, or people who are interested in
these topics.]
This is based on the International Cognitive Modeling Conference
mailing list, which I maintain. I forward messages about twice a
year, a few more close to ICCMs. The first announcement is driving this
email, the announcement of the call for papers at ICCM 2009. If you would
like to be removed, please just let me know. I maintain it by hand to
keep it small.
Frank Ritter frank.e.ritter at gmail.com
http://acs.ist.psu.edu http://www.frankritter.com
1. ICCM 2009 Conference Announcement, 24-26 July 2009, Manchester, UK,
paper deadline Tuesday 14 April 2009
2. CogSci 2009 Tutorials and Workshops [tentative schedule]
3. AISB 09 Convention, 6-9 April 2009, program available
4. Soar Workshop, June 22-26, 2009
5. BRIMS 09 Conference Program, 31 March -2 April 2009, program and soon papers
6. Summer School in Cognitive Science, 6-23 July 2009
7. CHI Workshop on Challenges in Evaluating Usability and User Experience
in Reality Based Interaction [program and papers available]
8. Workshop on Spatial Cognition, 14-16 May 2009
9. Model Comparison Challenge, to be held at ICCM, due 15 May 2009
10. Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality, 15-22 July 2009
11. Topics in Cognitive Science [new journal]
12. Principles of Synthetic Intelligence PSI: An
Architecture of Motivated Cognition [new book]
13. Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors [new book]
14. Paper on making intelligent agents understandable
15. Junior research opening at USC/ICT
16. Post-doc at RPI
17. Post-doc at Penn (not Penn State)
18. Graduate fellowship at Gronigen
19. Job in Pittsburgh on cognitive work analysis
20. Wii Bit of Fun at Rice University Has Serious Intent
[From ACM Tech Review]
1. ICCM 2009 Conference Announcement
24-26 July 2009, Manchester, UK, paper deadline Tuesday 14 April 2009
ICCM is the premier international conference for research on
computational models and computation-based theories of human
behavior. ICCM is a forum for presenting, discussing, and evaluating
the complete spectrum of cognitive models, including connectionism,
symbolic modeling, dynamical systems, Bayesian modeling, and cognitive
architectures. ICCM includes basic and applied research, across a wide
variety of domains, ranging from low-level perception and attention to
higher-level problem-solving and learning.
The proceedings of the 2007 conference are available from
2. CogSci 2009 Tutorials and Workshops [tentative schedule]
Tutorials - All full-day unless otherwise indicated.
Quantum Information Processing Theory
Jerome R. Busemeyer & Zheng Wang jbusemey at indiana.edu
Dynamic Field Theory: Conceptual Foundations
and Applications in the Cognitive and
Developmental Sciences
Gregor Schoner, Vanessa Simmering, & Christian Faubel Gregor.Schoner at rub.de
EPAM/CHREST Tutorial: Fifty Years of Simulating Human Learning
Fernand Gobet & Peter Lane Fernand.Gobet at brunel.ac.uk
CogSketch Tutorial (half-day)
Kenneth D. Forbus forbus at northwestern.edu
Accepted Workshops - All full-day unless otherwise indicated.
ACT-R Workshop
Anderson, Bothell, Lebiere, & Taatgen ja at cmu.edu
Large-Scale Cognitive Modeling using Model Integrated Computing
Scott Douglass & Jonathan Sprinkle scott.douglass at mesa.afmc.af.mil
New Developments in the Cognitive Science of
Religion. Hosted by the International
Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion (IACSR)"
Armin Geertz, Luther Martin, Robert McCauley awg at teo.au.dk
Aspects of the Self in VR: Implications for Design
Vanja Kljajeviç & Kamilla Jóhannsdóttir vkljjvic at memphis.edu
Bridging the Gap Between Computational and Empirical Approaches to Reference
van Deemter, Gatt, van Gompel, & Krahmer e.j.krahmer at uvt.nl
Intuitive Pedagogical Reasoning: An Interdisciplinary Workshop
Patrick Shafto & Noah Goodman p.shafto at louisville.edu
Swarm Cognition Workshop
Vito Trianni & Elio Tuci vito.trianni at istc.cnr.it
Psychocomputational Models of Human Language Acquisition
William Gregory Sakas & Rens Bod sakas at hunter.cuny.edu
WICS: Merging professional development and
science: Constructing a successful grant proposal
Feldman, van Hell, Kroll, & Rajaram lf503 at albany.edu
3. AISB 09 Convention, 6-9 April 2009, program available
The AISB'09 Convention will be organised by Nick Taylor at Heriot-Watt
University in Edinburgh, 6th-9th April 2009. Its theme is Adaptive and
Emergent Behaviour and Complex Systems. It is made up up of workshops
and symposiums.
Killer Robots or Friendly Fridges: the Social Understanding of
Artificial Intelligence
Prof Greg Michaelson (Heriot-Watt University)
Prof Ruth Aylett (Heriot-Watt University)
New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction
Prof Kerstin Dautenhahn (University of Hertfordshire)
2nd Swarm Intelligence Algorithms and Applications Symposium (SIAAS-09)
Dr Aladdin Ayesh (De Montfort University)
Evolutionary Algorithms for the Design and Understanding of Complex Systems
Prof David Corne (Heriot-Watt University)
Dr Pier Frisco (Heriot-Watt University)
2nd Perada Workshop on Pervasive Adaptation
Dr Emma Hart (Napier University)
Dr Nick Taylor (Heriot-Watt University)
PERSIST Workshop on Intelligent Pervasive Environments
Ms Sarah McBurney (Heriot-Watt University)
Ms Eliza Papadopoulou (Heriot-Watt University)
Social Networks and Multi-Agent Systems Symposium (SNAMAS-09)
Dr Guido Boella (University of Turin)
Dr Leendert van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)
Dr Harko Verhagen (Stockholm University)
Symposium on Behaviour Regulation in Multi-Agent Systems
Dr Nir Oren (King's College London)
Workshop on Matching and Meaning
Dr Fiona McNeill (University of Edinburgh)
Affective Bodily Expression
Dr Nadia Berthouze (University College London)
Dr Marco Gillies (Goldsmiths College London)
Affect Mental States Symposium: From Emotion to Reason (AMSS-09)
Dr Aladdin Ayesh (De Montfort University)
2nd AISB Symposium Computing and Philosophy
Dr Mark Bishop (Goldsmiths College London)
Persuasive Technology and Digital Behaviour Intervention
Dr Judith Masthoff (University of Aberdeen)
Dr Floriana Grasso (University of Liverpool)
4. Soar Workshop
Once again we are planning for a Soar Workshop (29!). The current plan is to
hold the workshop in Ann Arbor at the CSE Building at the University of
Michigan on June 22-26. We are still planning the details, but this year we
may emphasize advanced tutorials on the new extensions of Soar and HLSR (on
23-24) along with an introductory tutorial on June 22 and shrink the
workshop to the 25-26.
5. BRIMS 09 Conference, 30 March -2 April 2009
[noted because papers will be available online]
Sundance Resort, Utah
Tutorials on Cognitive Crash Dummies and IMPRINT held: March 30, 2009
Invited Speakers
Dr. John Anderson Barry G. Silverman, Ph.D.
Carnegie Mellon University University of Pennsylvania
Michael Baranick Claudio Cioffi-Revilla, Ph.D.
National Defense University George Mason University
BRIMS provides an outstanding opportunity for scientific and technical
exchange on research and application in human behavior representation
with the larger modeling and simulation community. BRIMS enables
modeling and simulation research scientists, engineers, application users, and
technical communities to meet, share ideas and experiences, identify gaps in
current capabilities, discuss new research directions, highlight
promising technologies, and showcase applications. The program includes
papers, posters, demos, symposia, panel discussions, and tutorials on
topics related to the representation of individuals, groups, teams and
organizations in models and simulations. All submissions are peer-reviewed.
Schedule: http://brimsconference.org/schedule/
[papers will be available online approximately 10 April]
6. Summer School in Cognitive Science, 6-23 July 2009
The New Bulgarian University is announcing the
16th Summer School in Cognitive Science which
will be held from July 6 till July 23, 2009 in
Sofia, Bulgaria.
The summer school features advanced courses for
graduate students and young researchers in a
variety of areas, including embodied cognition,
brain functions and development, computational
cognitive neuroscience, collective behavior,
creativity, analogy-making, cognitive modeling
and neural networks, individual differences,
animal cognition, etc.
The summer school this year will be extraordinary
good and the lecturers include famous researchers
like Michael Spivey, Rob Goldstone, Randall
O'Reilly, Adele Diamond, Tom Ward, Roger
Thompson, Edward Necka. This is a unique chance
to learn about the latest developments and big
challenges first hand.
In addition, the participants in the Summer
School will be able to attend the Second Analogy
Conference at no additional cost.
Decisions for admission are made on a case by
case and first come first served bases. Therefore
the earlier you apply the better. We have
applicants from all over the world and almost
half of the places in the summer school are
already filled in, so hurry up!
For more information: http://nbu.bg/cogs/events/ss2009.html
e-mail: school at cogs.nbu.bg
7. CHI Workshop on Challenges in Evaluating Usability and User Experience
in Reality Based Interaction
http://faculty.euc.ac.cy/gchristou/workshop/ [papers and program are up]
CHI 2009 Workshop: Challenges in Evaluating Usability and User
Experience in Reality Based Interaction
4 April 2009
The emergence of Post-WIMP interfaces led to new ways of interacting
with technology. However, there are still no integrated ways of
evaluating the usability and user experience of these
interfaces. Developers and designers are left to discover their own
evaluation methods. This approach presents problems, as methods used
in each case may provide results that are neither valid nor
meaningful. Thus, the time is ripe to integrate the methods that have
been developed for evaluating interfaces that belong to the RBI
This workshop will further the understanding of the challenges
relating to evaluation methods specific to RBIs, and will identify
effective practical responses to these challenges. We will enhance and
promote the collaboration between researchers and practitioners that
work in the field of design and evaluation of RBIs by
cross-pollinating the work done in the RBI constituent interaction
styles. We invite submissions in the following topics:
* Case studies of evaluations that applied a specific measure or
evaluation method to RBI applications.
* Experimental studies of evaluation methods that hold potential
for use in applied RBI settings.
* Conceptual frameworks that enable the evaluation of RBIs through
subjective and objective measures.
* Studies that provide connections between user experience and
usability measures in RBI contexts.
GEORGIOS CHRISTOU, European University Cyprus
WILLIAM GREEN, Philips Research Europe
KASPER HORNBÆK, University of Copenhagen
Greg Dunn, Philips Research Europe
Jettie Hoonhout, Philips Research Europe
Robert Jacob, Tufts University
Frank E. Ritter, Penn State University
Orit Shaer, Wellesley College
For more information, contact Georgios Christou at g.christou at euc.ac.cy
8. Workshop on Spatial Cognition, 14-16 May 2009
I am pleased to announce a workshop, Modeling
Spatial Cognition, to be held in Scottsdale, AZ,
14-16 May 2009.
Information on the workshop, including
registration and a list of presenters and
abstracts, is available:
The workshop is open to anyone interested in
spatial cognition, modeling of complex cognitive
processes, and specifically modeling spatial
cognitive processing. Please feel free to forward
this information to others who may want to attend.
"Gunzelmann,Glenn F Civ USAF AFMC 711 HPW/RHAC"
<Glenn.Gunzelmann at mesa.afmc.af.mil>
9. Model Comparison Challenge
We write to invite you to participate in a Modeling Comparison Challenge:
"Predicting Cognitive Performance in Open-ended Dynamic tasks". The goal of
the challenge is to advance the state of the art in cognitive modeling by
evaluating alternative cognitive models against human performance in a
common dynamic task. The task captures in an integrated manner some of the
key aspects of human cognition including the detection of temporal
regularities and the ability to control dynamic systems.
The description of the challenge and the information for participation
(including data, task environment, references and documentation) can be
found on the challenge web site:
Please send an E-mail to: DSFChallenge at gmail.com to register as soon as
possible. You must be registered before submitting your model. The most
important dates are:
The Modeling Comparison Challenge will be the focus of a symposium at the
Behavior Representation In Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS-2009) on April 1,
2009 in Sundance, Utah.
Deadline for model submissions is May 15, 2009.
Announcement of the challenge results is June 1, 2009.
The results and winner(s) will be presented at a symposium at the
International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM 2009) in Manchester, UK
on July 24th-26th, 2009. One representative for each of the 3 best models
will be invited to present at the ICCM symposium. Their expenses will be
covered for up to US$2000.
Thank you for your attention and we look forward to receiving your models!
Christian Lebiere, Coty Gonzalez, Walter Warwick.
10. Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality, 15-22 July 2009
It is our pleasure to announce the eighth Summer Institute on Bounded
Rationality in Psychology and Economics, which will take place from
July 15 to 22, 2009 at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development
in Berlin. The objective of the Summer Institute is to introduce
graduate students and young researchers to the study of
bounded, ecological, and social rationality, that is, how people make
decisions when information and time is limited and the future is
uncertain. This year, the evening lecture will be given by Nobel
laureate Reinhard Selten.
Talented graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from around the
world are invited to apply by March 31, 2009. We will provide all
participants with stipends to cover part of their travel and
accommodation expenses. Details on the Summer Institute and the
application process are available at
Please pass on this information to potential candidates from your own
department or institute.
Gerd Gigerenzer & Vernon Smith
From: "Schooler, Lael" <schooler at mpib-berlin.mpg.de>
To: <act-r-users at act-r.psy.cmu.edu>
11. Topics in Cognitive Science
I am very pleased to announce that the first
issue of topiCS, Topics in Cognitive Science, has
been published. Hard copies should be on their
way to all of our members. In the meantime, all
members and everyone else in the world can
download articles from the Wiley InterScience
website. The "everyone else in the world" bit
will change for future issues, but it holds for
now so we should try to publicize this as widely
as possible.
Make sure that your campus librarian knows that
topiCS is bundled with CSj and that both journals
are being published by Wiley-Blackwell and not
Erlbaum and not Taylor & Francis.
topiCS - Topics in Cognitive Science
the newest publication of the Cognitive Science Society
Submissions and reviews
topiCS homepage
Cognitive Science Society homepage
Founding & Executive Editor
Wayne D. Gray email: grayw at rpi.edu
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Journal Managing Editor
Caroline Verdier
Indiana University
Eigenmann 819
1910 E. 10th St. Bloomington, IN 47406-7512
phone: 812-855-4883
fax: 812-855-1086 email: topicsj at indiana.edu
12. Principles of Synthetic Intelligence PSI: An
Architecture of Motivated Cognition [new book]
Although computational models of cognition have
become very popular, these models are relatively
limited in their coverage of cognition-- they
usually only emphasize problem solving and
reasoning, or treat perception and motivation as
isolated modules. The first architecture to cover
cognition more broadly is Psi theory, developed
by Dietrich Dorner. By integrating motivation and
emotion with perception and reasoning, and
including grounded neuro-symbolic
representations, Psi contributes significantly to
an integrated understanding of the mind. It
provides a conceptual framework that highlights
the relationships between perception and memory,
language and mental representation, reasoning and
motivation, emotion and cognition, autonomy and
social behavior. It is, however, unfortunate that
Psi's origin in psychology, its methodology, and
its lack of documentation have limited its
impact. The proposed book adapts Psi theory to
cognitive science and artificial intelligence, by
elucidating both its theoretical and technical
frameworks, and clarifying its contribution to
how we have come to understand cognition.
13. Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors
Beverly Park Woolf
<bev at cs.umass.edu>
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
The book shows how to build systems that assess a
student's knowledge and are adaptive to each
student's learning needs. It describes cognitive
science, multimedia, learning technology,
adaptive tutors, intelligent information systems
and user modeling. Dr. Woolf taps into 20 years
of research on intelligent tutors to bring
designers and developers a broad range of issues
and methods. The book describes multidisciplinary
approaches to using computers for teaching,
reports on research, development, and real-world
experiences, and discusses web-based learning
Professionals, graduate students, and others in
computer science and educational technology who
develop online tutoring systems to support
Part I: Introduction To Artificial Intelligence and Education
Part II: Representation, Reasoning and Assessment
Part III: Technologies and Environments
Bibliographic & Ordering Information
Paperback, 480 pages, publication date: SEP-2008, Imprint: MORGAN KAUFFMAN
ISBN-13: 978-0-12-373594-2; ISBN-10: 0-12-373594-7
Order Form:
Price: USD 69.95, GBP 39.99, EUR 57.95
Free copy
If you are thinking of adopting this book for
your classes, go to http://textbooks.elsevier.com
and register to use the site (create a username
and password). Once you are in the site, set
author and search for Woolf on the orange banner
on top. Go to the book site. Then click a button
on the right banner either E-Desk or Register
Adoption and the site will ask you about where
you want the copy sent. If you have any
difficulty contact M.James at Elsevier.com
14. Paper on making intelligent agents understandable
Haynes, S. R., Cohen, M. A., Ritter, F. E.
(2009). Design patterns for explaining
intelligent systems. International Journal of
Human-Computer Studies. 67(1). 99-110.
Explanation is an important capability for usable intelligent systems,
including intelligent agents and cognitive models embedded within
simulations and other decision support systems. Explanation facilities
help users understand how and why an intelligent system possesses a
given structure and set of behaviors. Prior research has resulted in a
number of approaches to providing explanation capabilities and
identified some significant challenges. We describe a design that can
be reused to create intelligent agents capable of explaining
themselves. The design includes ways to provide ontological,
mechanistic, and operational explanations. These designs inscribe
lessons learned from prior research and provide guidance for
incorporating explanation facilities into intelligent systems. Our
design is derived from both prior research on explanation tool design
and from the empirical study reported here on the questions users ask
when working with an intelligent system. We demonstrate the use of
these designs through examples implemented using the Herbal high-level
cognitive modeling language. These designs can help build better
agents-they support creating more usable and more affordable
intelligent agents by encapsulating prior knowledge about how to
generate explanations in concise representations that can be
instantiated or adapted by agent developers.
15. Junior research opening at USC/ICT
We are looking to hire a junior researcher to focus on cognitive
architecture research within the context of our virtual human research
efforts. The position would have primary responsibility over
envisioning the next-generation of cognitive architecture that would
support real-time multi-modal interactions with human users within
emotionally-evocative virtual simulations. The candidate is expected
to collaborate closely with a multi-disciplinary research team
including research in emotion modeling, natural language processing,
and nonverbal behavior recognition and synthesis. Below are listed
some research publications upon which the research is expected to
build. Interested candidates should send a vita to me at
Gratch at Ict.usc.edu
Jonathan Gratch and Stacy Marsella,
The Architectural Role of Emotion in Cognitive
Systems, in Integrated Models of Cognitive
Systems, Wayne Gray (ed.), Oxford University
Press, 2008.
Stacy Marsella and Jonathan Gratch,
A Model of Emotional Dynamics, Journal of
Cognitive Systems Research, vol 10(1), 2009, pp
William Swartout, Jonathan Gratch, Randall Hill,
Eduard Hovy, Stacy Marsella, Jeff Rickel and
David Traum,
Virtual Humans, in AI Magazine, v.27(1), 2006
Jonathan Gratch | http://www.ict.usc.edu/~gratch
Associate Director, Research Associate Professor | Phone: (310) 448-0306
USC Institute for Creative Technologies | Fax: (310) 574-5725
13274 Fiji Way | E-mail: gratch at ict.usc.edu
Marina del Rey, CA 90292 |
16. Post-doc at RPI
From: <http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/naacsos-list>
I am looking for a post-doctoral researcher, to join in a basic
research project investigating cognitive modeling, cognitive
architectures, and cognitive social simulation.
The starting date is August 1, 2009 (although a slight change,
say by a month, is also possible). This will be a full-time
research position, with the expectation that you devote 90% of your
time to project-related research work (not your own research
Prospective applicants should have a finished Ph.D degree.
They should have a background in computer science (the equivalent of a
BS in computer science), with strong Java programming skills,
and have prior exposure to psychology and cognitive science
(with background in cognitive architectures, human and machine
learning, motivation, or social psychological modeling preferred),
and other related areas.
Prospective applicants with expertise and interests in cognitive
science should apply by EMAILing me: (1) a complete vitae, and
(2) samples of best prior writings (published papers), and also FAX
me (3) GRE/TOEFL scores (if available), and (4) copies of the transcripts
of the BS, MS, Ph.D programs previously attended. Also send me the
reference letters (if available).
See the following Web page regarding my research (in the afore-described
areas and in other areas): http://www.cogsci.rpi.edu/~rsun
Two sample publications are downloadable from my Web site:
R. Sun, E. Merrill, and T. Peterson, From implicit skills to
explicit knowledge: A bottom-up model of skill learning. Cognitive
Science, Vol.25, No.2, pp.203-244. 2001.
R. Sun, P. Slusarz, and C. Terry, The interaction of the explicit
and the implicit in skill learning: A dual-process approach.
Psychological Review, Vol.112, No.1, pp.159-192. 2005.
RPI is a top-tier research university. The new CogSci department
has identified research as its primary missions. The department is
conducting research in a number of areas: cognitive architectures,
cognitive modeling, human and machine learning, multi-agent
interactions and social simulation, neural networks and connectionist
models, human and machine reasoning, cognitive engineering,
perception and motor control, and so on.
Professor Ron Sun
Cognitive Science Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 Eighth Street, Carnegie 302A
Troy, NY 12180, USA
phone: 518-276-3409 email: rsun at rpi.edu
17. Post-doc at Penn (not Penn State)
PostDoc position is available to help research FactionSim - a quick to
setup and use tool to see if local conflict or cooperation emerges in
diverse regional factions as users attempt alternative courses of
action. The successful postdoc candidate will help to further the
agent-based models of FactionSim, study its properties and validity,
and produce it as a highly usable tool for field training and analysis
on how to influence local factions to avoid conflicts and to
collaborate on the collective good. This research synthesizes several
years of the PIÕs work on many of the elements for assembling
FactionSim ? Lsim for leaders only (thick leader agents based on
descriptive agent-based models with subjective expected
utility-theoretic algorithms), Athena world diplomacy game that scales
up leaders and poses tests for heuristics to solve hard AI problems
(nested intentionality, campaign planning, negotiation), and most
recently a DARPA-sponsored regional conflict prototype that tested how
to bridge together a leader hierarchy with a social network of
followers (small world theory with thick leader agents influencing a
cellular automata model). It is time to bring all these pieces
together into a stable architecture focused on smaller scale conflict
and cooperation issues. This will permit us to solve some of the hard
simulation problems on a smaller scoped problem than Athena, and it
will offer the dual benefit of spinning off a regional faction
conflict tool. Despite efforts at simplicity, stochastic simulation
models for domains such as this rapidly become complex. As a result,
we have begun to add an experiment design and policy exploration front
end onto FactionSim coupled with a warehouse for analyzing and mining
the outcome space. Research is also needed on ways to reliably explore
and optimize search in intractably large simulation spaces.
The postdoctoral position is primarily aimed at the FactionSim work
but may also include the other research strands, depending on the
interests of the candidate. For example, depending on his/her
orientation, the candidate may work closely with faculty who
collaborate with us from computer science, political science,
statistics, Wharton, and partnering universities. A version of
FactionSim is also being plugged into role playing games.
Candidates should have a PhD in electrical and systems, cognitive or
computer science, computational social dynamics, or related
discipline. Experience with gaming and simulation is highly desirable
as are interests in computational modeling of behavior. Salary will be
based on experience in relation to our standard postdoctoral scale.
ACASA is headed by Barry G. Silverman who is coordinating the research
efforts. Candidates interested in the position should email a vita and
a short statement about graduate training and research interests to
Barry Silverman.
Barry G. Silverman, Ph.D.
Professor of Engineering/ESE, Wharton/OPIM, and Medicine
Director, Ackoff Collaboratory for Advancement of the Systems Approach (ACASA)
Towne Bldg, Rm 251, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6315
basil at seas.upenn.edu (215)573-8368
18. Graduate fellowship at Gronigen
a 4-year PhD scholarship has become available at the Department of
Psychology at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. This
scholarship is only applicable to holders of a non-Dutch passport. If
you happen to know someone who qualifies, who is interested in formal
approaches to cognition and who is looking for a PhD position, could
you ask him/her to contact me? (Obviously, if you yourself are
interested, feel free to contact me as well.)
The topic of the project can be either time perception or optimized
learning regimes (i.e., spacing).
Possible methodologies: computational/statistical modeling, EEG, TMS,
eye tracking, and more traditional behavioral experiments.
More information on the scholarship can be found here:
Proposals for projects need to be in as soon as possible.
From: "Hedderik van Rijn" <D.H.van.Rijn at rug.nl>
[act-r mailing list]
19. Job in pittsburgh on cognitive work analysis
... has an interest in decision making and how
devices/software support that decision making,
executing and applying cognitive work analyses,
etc and has a real spark for the work.
The description of the position can be found here:
20. Wii Bit of Fun at Rice University Has Serious Intent
[From ACM Tech Review]
Rice University (12/09/08)
A Rice University research project is using the Nintendo Wii video
game console to codify learning systems for use in a variety of human
activities. Rice professors Marcia O'Malley and Michael Byrne have
received a three-year National Science Foundation grant to measure the
motions of people performing tasks such as playing paddleball or
flying a fighter jet using the accelerometer contained in the Wii's
Wiimote controller. The research builds on previous work by O'Malley,
the director of Rice's Mechatronics and Haptic Interfaces Laboratory,
which used robots to treat stroke victims as part of a study to map
how people learn physical tasks. "We're already grabbing motion data
from the Wiimote," O'Malley says, "so soon we'll be able to measure a
range of motion and then turn it into a mathematical model." The goal
is to unite virtual reality and robotics in such a way that it allows
people to absorb information through the repetition of motor
pathways. The research into "cognitive modeling of human motor skill
acquisition" will focus on three types of learners--experts who learn
slowly but achieve their goals, novices who learn slowly and may never
reach proficiency, and those who are somewhere in the middle of
training and suddenly excel at the task.
More information about the ACT-R-users
mailing list