[ACT-R-users] Is there any place to get training in ACT-R?

Dan Bothell db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Sep 5 13:28:37 EDT 2008

Several universities around the world have classes which use/teach
modeling with ACT-R.  If there is no such class at your institution
the only other option I know of is the ACT-R Summer School held at
Carnegie Mellon University, typically every July.

Details on whether or not there will be a Summer School in 2009 have
not yet been decided, but if there will be one the details and
application request will be announced on the ACT-R mailing list.


--On Thursday, September 04, 2008 5:55 PM -0400 Wang Ye 
<wangyeufl at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm a beginner interested in act-r. I am thinking of developing act-r
> skills because maybe I want to include cognitive modeling into my
> dissertation one year later. I have studied the tutorial material, but I
> don't think it is enough because now I don't know how to do things with
> act-r. I wonder is there any place I can get act-r training? Thank you!!!

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