[ACT-R-users] Chunk Definition

sima najafi nj_sima at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 1 07:48:55 EDT 2008

Dear All,
I'm a beginner to ACT-R. nowadays I try to solve a second degree equation with ACT-R.
I define the following chunk type:
(chunk-type EqDeg2 a b c root1 root2).
for sovling a second degree equaion normally we use the following formula:
X = -b +/- (√(b^2 -4ac))/2a).
 I saw some sample models in which lisp functions for computing the answer of the equation are being defined whenever such these situations occure.
now i have a question:
is it correct to define a formula in this manner or we should encode the formula 
in rules and chunks such as add model in unit 1 of ACT-R tutorials?
I want that model be plausible psychologycally but dont' have enough knowledge in psychology.

PLease  guide me if its possible.
Thanks in advance. 

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