[ACT-R-users] ACT-R Lisp interactions

Dan Bothell db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Jun 17 11:17:40 EDT 2008

The answers to your questions are yes and yes.  The mechanism for doing
that is the !eval! operator in productions.  Its use is introduced in unit
5 of the ACT-R tutorial, and you can find all of the details of the 
available for use in productions in the reference manual included in the
docs directory of the ACT-R 6 distribution.


--On Tuesday, June 17, 2008 8:01 AM -0700 Bruce J Weimer MD 
<bjweimer at charter.net> wrote:

> I see that a) Lisp can run experiments and b) you can use !output! in a
> production to print something to the computer screen.
> 1)  Can a Lisp variable be set in an ACT-R production so that Lisp later
> has access to it - something like:
> ==>
> (setf *foo* =num1)) ;where *foo* is "global" so Lisp has access to it
> or
> ==>
> (setf *bar* =str1)) ;to pass a string to Lisp
> 2)  Can a Lisp function be "fired" from a production - something like:
> ==>
> (DoSomethingUsing  =num)) ;for example to execute some calculation using
> =num
> Bruce.

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