[ACT-R-users] coming with Euros?

Lynne Reder reder at cmu.edu
Sat Jul 12 08:14:37 EDT 2008

If you are arriving from a Euro country and would not mind trading 100  
Euros for $160 when you get here, that would be great for me.

I'm leaving for Germany on July 19th and I would like to not have to  
rely immediately on my ATM card working.  Sometimes Dollar Bank fails  
me and "for my protection" denies access in foreign countries!    
Hopefully that won't happen, but I'd feel better having some Euros in  
my wallet.

Please email me if you are fine with that.  I think $160 is better  
than you can do at a money machine but I'm certainly trying to make it  
financially better for my trading partner, if not more convenient.


p.s.  If it is easier, you can do the transaction with my spouse, John  
Anderson;  just tell me you have done it so he'll give them to me (he  
won't need them in Prague).

Lynne Reder
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
412-268-3792 (office)
412-268-2844 (fax)
reder at cmu.edu  (email)

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