[ACT-R-users] New Paper

Wayne Gray grayw at rpi.edu
Wed Jul 2 17:04:52 EDT 2008

I am pleased to announce the publication of a recent paper that may be  
of interest to ACTR modelers. I am even more pleased to announce that  
it is published as part of a special issue of the Human Factors  
journal that commemorates 50 years of that journal. In honor of its  
50th, HFES has announced that all downloads of any paper from this  
issue will be free for now and the future.


Gray, W. D. (2008). Cognitive architectures: Choreographing the dance  
of mental operations with the task environments. Human Factors, 50(3),  

TI: Cognitive Architectures: Choreographing the Dance of Mental  
Operations With the Task Environment
AU: Gray, Wayne D.
PG: 497-505(9)
URL: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/hfes/hf/2008/00000050/00000003/art00025
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of  
the publication.
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