[ACT-R-users] Job opening at OFFIS - Cognitive modelling to assess usability aspects of driver assistance systems

Andreas Luedtke andreas.luedtke at offis.de
Tue Jan 29 13:25:54 EST 2008

---- Apologies for multiple postings ----

Job opening at OFFIS - Cognitive modelling to assess usability aspects of 
driver assistance systems 

The OFFIS Research Division Safety Critical Systems (
http://www.offis.de/sc/index_e.php) has an 

open position for a research assistant on a full-time basis available 

You will work in a European Project in the 7th Research Framework 
Programme of the EU with leading scientists in the field of Human-Machine 
Interaction and with experts from the automotive industry. 

Central aim of the project is the design and implementation of a 
methodology for the development of cognitive driver models enabling the 
assessment of usability aspects of driver assistance systems.

Your task is to work with a team to research and model human behaviour. 
You will define requirements for a human driver model in cooperation with 
experts from the automotive industry; you will specify conceptual 
enhancements of an existing model architecture and will implement this 
concept into executable code. Furthermore, you will participate to the 
definition of simulator experiments to validate the predictive quality of 
the driver model and you will perform the validation.

You should be highly motivated and posses the competence to work 
independently in a team. You should enjoy facing interdisciplinary 
challenges. As an application-oriented researcher you are interested in 
communicating and cooperating with industrial partners. 

Furthermore, we expect an outstanding M.Sc. or Diploma in Computer Science 
or a related discipline with a strong programming background.

An interest in, and preferably experience with, either Cognitive Science 
or Artificial Intelligence are essential for this position.

German language skills are useful, but not mandatory. OFFIS is located in 
Oldenburg (north western Germany). A dynamic university city with a 
distinct sense of personality and an unique quality of life offering many 
cultural and free time possibilities. Oldenburg is located near Bremen and 
Hamburg with the North Sea only few kilometres away. 

We offer a salary according to your qualifications and experience. 

As a research institute and in cooperation with the University of 
Oldenburg OFFIS offers excellent opportunities for scientific careers and, 
if formal preconditions are fulfilled, for working towards a doctoral 

For more information, please contact the Head of the Department: 
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Josko (josko (at) offis.de, Tel. +49-441-9722-520)

Please submit your application including the usual documents to: personal 
(at) offis.de

Thank you and best regards,
Andreas Luedtke 

Dr. Andreas Luedtke
Safety Critical Systems
Escherweg 2 - 26121 Oldenburg - Germany
Fon: +49 441 9722-530 - Fax: +49 441 9722-102
E-Mail: luedtke at offis.de - URL: http://www.offis.de

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