[ACT-R-users] Asst Prof. Cog Psy

Paul Ward pward at lsi.fsu.edu
Sat Oct 20 10:39:54 EDT 2007

Dear all,
     I would be grateful if you could forward this faculty position  
advertisement to anyone who might be interested. Apologies if you  
received a duplicate of this message.
Many thanks,

Florida State University: The Department of Psychology, College of  
Arts and Sciences invites applications for a tenure-track, assistant  
professor position in the area of cognitive psychology to begin  
August, 2008.  We are interested in applicants with expertise in any  
area of cognitive psychology/cognitive science, from attention and  
perception to higher order processes of thinking and decision- 
making.  The Department offers graduate degrees in five areas:  
cognitive, clinical, neuroscience, social, and developmental.   
Facilities and support are excellent, including a new building  
complex to be completed in summer, 2008.

Review of applications will begin November 5, 2007 and continue until  
the position is filled.  Send vita, statement of research and  
teaching interests, representative publications, and three letters of  
reference to: Colleen Kelley, chair, Cognitive Search Committee,  
Department of Psychology, 1107 West Call Street, Florida State  
University P.O. Box 306401, Tallahassee, FL, 32306-4301. Florida  
State University is an Equal OpportunityAccess/Affirmative Action  
employer, committed to diversity in hiring, and a Public Records Agency.

Paul Ward, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, and Learning Systems  
Institute, Florida State University

Dept of Psychology (A414)       Tel: 850-645-7424 (main line)
1107 W Call Street                  Fax: 850-644-7739
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4301     web: www.psy.fsu.edu/faculty/ward.dp.html

Affiliated Centers:
Center for Expert Performance Research, LSI, FSU, http:// 
Florida Center for Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and  
Mathematics, LSI, FSU, http://www.fcrstem.org/center11.aspx

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