[ACT-R-users] The ACT-R Website

Jennifer Ferris jlferris at cmu.edu
Thu Aug 23 11:33:19 EDT 2007

Hello all...

I'm in the process of updating information on the ACT-R Website (http://act-r.psy.cmu.edu/).

If you are new to the ACT-R community and perform ACT-R research, please let me know. Provide me with the following information:
1) Your name.
2) The institution at which you are located.
3) Your email address.
4) Your website (if you have one).

If you are already on the website and your information is incorrect or needs to be updated, please contact me. 

One last note, if you have new ACT-R related publications, please send them to me with a citation as well as the topic that you would like to be listed under. The topics are listed below:

   1. ACT-R Theory
   2. Perception and Attention
         1. Psychophysical Judgements
         2. Visual Search
         3. Eye Movements
         4. Multi-Tasking
         5. Task Switching
         6. Subitizing
         7. Stroop
         8. Driving and Flying Behavior
         9. Situational Awareness and Embedded Cognition
        10. Graphical User Interfaces
        11. Time Perception
   3. Learning and Memory
         1. List Memory
         2. Interference
         3. Implicit Learning
         4. Skill Acquisition
         5. Cognitive Arithmetic
         6. Category Learning
         7. Learning by Exploration and Demonstration
         8. Updating Memory and Prospective Memory
         9. Causal Learning
        10. Working Memory
        11. Practice and Retention
        12. Representation
   4. Problem Solving and Decision Making
         1. Tower of Hanoi
         2. Choice and Strategy Selection
         3. Mathematical Problem Solving
         4. Spatial Reasoning and Navigation
         5. Dynamic Systems
         6. Use and Design of Artifacts
         7. Game Playing
         8. Insight and Scientific Discovery
         9. Programming
        10. Reasoning
        11. Errors
   5. Language Processing
         1. Parsing
         2. Analogy and Metaphor
         3. Language Learning
         4. Sentence Memory
         5. Lexical Processing
   6. Other
         1. Cognitive Development
         2. Individual Differences
         3. Motivation, Emotion, & Cognitive Moderators
         4. Cognitive Workload
         5. Computer Generated Forces, Video Games, and Agents
         6. fMRI
         7. Communication, Negotiation, and Group Decision Making
         8. Instructional Materials
         9. User Modeling
        10. Intelligent Tutoring Systems
        11. Information Search
        12. Tools
        13. Comparative (Inter-species)

Thank you!!!
Jennifer Ferris

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