[ACT-R-users] About the questionnaire for the evaluation of cognitive modeling tools

Can Bican can at bican.net
Wed Apr 18 07:15:54 EDT 2007

[Apologies for duplicate postings]

Dear Colleagues,

We got your name and email adress from your recent participation to
ICCM conference series.

We are conducting a study addressing the attitudes of users of
cognitive modeling tools. Our particular emphasis in the study is on
the suitability of the tools for the cognitive modeling task from the
perspectives of general usability and cognitive modeling specifics.

As a part of this work, we have prepared a questionnaire. We kindly
ask if you can help our study by participating in the questionnaire,
which should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Our only
requirement is experience with a cognitive modeling tool.

Access to the questionnaire is by e-mail invitation. If you agree to
fill in our questionnaire, please send an e-mail to can at bican.net with
subject 'questionnaire'. You will receive an reply consisting of
instructions on how to access the questionnaire.

All the answers and personal details will be kept strictly
confidential and the aggregate results will only be published in a
master's thesis or possibly, in a relevant academic conference

We appreciate your contribution to this questionnaire by devoting your
valuable time. As an acknowledgment to your contribution, we will
present one of the participants of this questionnaire with a gift
certificate from amazon.com.

This questionnaire is part of the MSc Thesis work of Can Bican, a
student of Cognitive Science Program at Middle East Technical
University, supervised by Dr. Bilge Say. You can contact them with any
further questions at can at bican.net and bsay at ii.metu.edu.tr

Best Regards,

Can Bican

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