[ACT-R-users] AIPR-07 Call for papers

Chase Williams cfwilliams at cis.famu.edu
Tue May 23 11:16:39 EDT 2006

*please forward to interested people*


The 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern
Recognition (AIPR-07) will be held during 9-12 of July 2007 in Orlando, FL,
USA. The conference will be held simultaneously at the same place where
three other major events in computer science are taking place. Click on
www.promoteresearch.org <http://www.promoteresearch.org/>  for more






Chase Williams

Publicity committee co-chair

Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Florida A&M University

Tallahassee, FL 32307, USA

Email: cfwilliams at cis.famu.edu


PS: please send an email to the above address in case you are not interested
on further emails on this event.


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