[ACT-R-users] IICAI-07 Conference announcement

Dr. Bhanu Prasad prasad at cis.famu.edu
Thu Mar 30 11:56:36 EST 2006

*Apologies for cross posting. Please help forward to interested people*

 The 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IICAI-07) (website: http://www.iiconference.org) will be held in Pune,
INDIA during December 17-19 2007. IICAI-07 is one of the major AI events in
the world. This conference focuses on all areas of AI and related fields.
We invite paper submissions. Please visit on the conference website for more


Bhanu Prasad
IICAI-07 Chair  

Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Florida A&M University

Tallahassee, FL 32307


Email: bhanu.prasad at famu.edu

Phone: 850-412-7350


PS: please send an email to the above address in case you do not wish to
receive emails on this event. 


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