[ACT-R-users] [Applied Ontology]: Deadline extension for contributions
esslli06 at loa-cnr.it
Wed Dec 20 04:22:35 EST 2006
Submissions January 19, 2007
Notification March 19, 2007
Camera-ready May 18, 2007
Special Issue Winter 2007
Following FOCA, workshop held at ESSLLI from July 31 to August 4, 2006
Formal Ontologies for Communicating Agents, special issue for the
journal Applied Ontology (http://www.applied-ontology.org/)
Roberta Ferrario, Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR, Trento
(ferrario at loa-cnr.it)
Laurent Prevot, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
(prevotlaurent at gate.sinica.edu.tw)
Following the workshop "Formal Ontologies for Communicating Agents"
that took place within the last ESSLLI summer school in Malaga, we would
like to invite contributions for a special issue of the international
journal ''Applied Ontology''.
We especially invite the authors of the paper presented at FOCA 2006 to
submit an extended
version of their contribution. However, anyone is invited to submit a
relevant contribution for the topic of the special issue described
In recent years lots of efforts have been devoted to formal studies of
human and artificial agent communication. Research advancements have
been achieved along three main lines: (i) agent's internal states and
dynamics, (ii) social interaction and conventional communicative
patterns, (iii) semantics-pragmatics interface - especially in the
dialogue context (i.e. the interplay between the semantic content of
messages and the communicative acts themselves). There is a recent
trend of studies trying to integrate these approaches in many ways. On
the other hand, formal ontology has been consecrated as a good solution
for comparing and integrating information and thus its application to
this specific domain is very promising . More precisely, an ontological
analysis of the fundamental ingredients of interaction and
communication will make explicit the hidden ontological assumptions
underlying all these proposals.
Ontology has also proven to be a very powerful means to address issues
related to the exchange of meaningful communication across autonomous
entities, which can organize and use information heterogeneously.
The purpose of this special issue is therefore to gather contributions
that (i) take seriously into account the ontological aspects of
communication and interaction and (ii) use formal ontologies for
achieving a better semantic coordination between interacting and
communicating agents.
We encourage contributions concerning the two main areas listed below
with a particular attention to explore the interplay between
ontological analysis and its applications in practical cases.
* Ontological aspects of interaction and communication
- Ontological analysis of interaction and communication
- Studies on the structure and coherence of interaction
- Logical models for communicative acts
- Primitives of interaction and communication
- Formal semantics of dialogue (dealing with ontological issues)
*Semantic coordination through formal ontologies
- Dialogue semantics and formal ontology
- Dynamic ontology sharing
- Ontological primitives for meaning negotiation, ontological
alignment and semantic interoperability
- Ontology evolution through communication
- Concrete problems and experiences in terminological
disambiguation and integration
Although a formal contribution is not an absolute requirement for
contributing to Applied Ontology, the contributors should keep in mind
the aim and scope of Applied Ontology, an interdisciplinary journal of
Ontological Analysis and Conceptual Modeling.
Applied Ontology is a new journal whose focus is on information content
in its broadest sense. As the subtitle makes clear, two broad kinds of
content-based research activities are envisioned: ontological analysis
and conceptual modeling. The former includes any attempt to investigate
the nature and structure of a domain of interest using rigorous
philosophical or logical tools; the latter concerns the cognitive and
linguistic structures we use to model the world, as well as the various
analysis tools and methodologies we adopt for producing useful
computational models, such as information systems schemes or knowledge
Applied Ontology is the first journal with explicit and exclusive focus
on ontological analysis and conceptual modeling under an
interdisciplinary view. It aims to establish a unique niche in the
realm of scientific journals by carefully avoiding unnecessary
duplication with discipline-oriented journals. For this reason, authors
will be encouraged to use language that will be intelligible also to
those outside their specific sector of expertise, and the review
process will be tailored to this end. For example, authors of
theoretical contributions will be encouraged to show the relevance of
their theory for applications, while authors of more technological
papers will be encouraged to show the relevance of a well-founded
theoretical perspective. Moreover, the journal will publish papers
focusing on representation languages or algorithms only where these
address relevant content issues, whether at the level of practical
application or of theoretical understanding. Similarly, it will publish
descriptions of tools or implemented systems only where a contribution
to the practice of ontological analysis and conceptual modeling is
clearly established.
Submissions, that will undergo a peer-reviewing process, must be sent
electronically through the journal's website
(http://www.applied-ontology.org/) by the deadline listed below.
Detailed instructions for authors are available from the same website.
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