[ACT-R-users] John Anderson to win the 2006 Heineken Prize for Cognitive Science

Niels Taatgen taatgen at cmu.edu
Mon Apr 10 09:00:58 EDT 2006

This morning the Dutch Academy of Sciences has announced that John  
Anderson will be awarded the 2006 Heineken prize for Cognitive  
Science. He will receive the award on 28 September in Amsterdam. You  
can read the press release on:


Congratulations John!

Niels Taatgen - University of Groningen, Artificial Intelligence
Also (but not now) at:
Carnegie Mellon University, Psychology, BH 345E
web: http://www.ai.rug.nl/~niels     email: taatgen at cmu.edu
Telephone: +1 412-268-2815 (CMU) +31 50 3636435 (RUG)

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