[ACT-R-users] CFP - eSCo-Wi (Due: November 29, 2005)
Dr. Emad Aboelela
eaboelela at umassd.edu
Tue Oct 18 11:28:54 EDT 2005
(Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)
First International Workshop on eSafety and Convergence of Heterogeneous
Wireless Networks (eSCo-Wi)
Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. April 10-12, 2006
In conjunction with 25th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and
Communications Conference
Email: escowi at umassd.edu
Paper Submissions
Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. Paper length should not exceed 6 pages technical paper manuscript. Submissions should include a cover page with authors' names, affiliations, fax and telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. At least one author of accepted papers is required to present the paper and to register at the full registration rate.
Go to (www.edas.info/home.cgi?c=4657) to submit your manuscript via Editor's Assistant.
Important Dates:
Paper submission due: November 29, 2005
Author notification due: January 10, 2006
Final paper submission due: February 7, 2006
Topics of Interest
With the realization of wide range of heterogeneous wireless networks from wireless local area networks (WLANs), second and third generations (2G/3G) of cellular networks to mobile ad hoc (MANET) and wireless sensor networks (WSN), many new applications such as Wireless Internet, Intelligent Transportation and Telemedicine are becoming realities. The fourth generation (4G) of wireless communications is expected to support such applications and to enable ubiquitous access to multimedia information and remote computing services regardless of location or mobility while integrating these different wireless technologies.
In this Workshop we are especially interested to real time applications close to the security (road security, telemedicine, the fight of fires.). Network convergence through the co-existence and the interoperability between heterogeneous wireless networks, is therefore regarded as the major challenge in the integration of systems used in transportations, medical and other applications, to achieve safer mobility and wireless monitoring. In this context, the QoS constraints are considerable.
The objective of this workshop is therefore to provide an eSafety forum for researchers and technologists. It aims to bring them together to discuss and exchange experimental or theoretical results, novel designs, work-in-progress, experience, case studies, and to present their contributions as technical papers related to the convergence of heterogeneous wireless networks towards real time safety applications through the intelligent control of mobile systems.
We invite researchers and practitioners to submit theoretical and experimental results on topics of interest included but not limited to the following:
* Physical layer issues for the convergence of heterogeneous wireless technologies
* Efficient mobility and handoff management protocols for seamless roaming within the converged communication architecture
* Resource management and allocation
* Power control management
* Admission, load and flow control
* Performance analysis and experimentation of heterogeneous wireless networks
* Security techniques and methods for heterogeneous wireless networks
* Energy efficient medium access control, error control, and traffic management protocols
* QoS in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* Security, authentication, and billing solutions for the converged architecture
* Interoperability among WLANs, Cellular, WSN and wired networks
* Novel and adaptive communication protocols at all layers, i.e., MAC layer problems, routing, reliable and multimedia transport, for integration of diverse wireless systems
* Simulation study of heterogeneous wireless networks
* eSafety applications and measurements (Telemedicine solutions to healthcare problems, intelligent vehicles and driver assistance systems.) in Heterogeneous wireless networks.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Tarek BEJAOUI (Paris XI University, IEF, France)
tarek.bejaoui at ief.u-psud.fr
Emad Aboelela (University of Massachusetts of Dartmouth, USA)
eaboelela at umassd.edu
Workshop Vice-Chair
Nidal Nasser (University of Guelph, Canada)
nasser at cis.uoguelph.ca
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