[ACT-R-users] FW: Update of BRIMS link on HPM web site and a posting

Kelley, Troy (Civ,ARL/HRED) tkelley at arl.army.mil
Tue Nov 22 13:31:12 EST 2005


Apoligies for a multiple post.




15th Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling & Simulation


Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel

Baltimore, MD

15-18 May 2006


You are invited to participate in the 15th Conference on Behavior
Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS).  This annual event
provides a forum for scientific and technical exchange on research in
human behavior representation and on the application to the behavior
representation challenges faced by the modeling and simulation


The conference enables modeling and simulation research scientists,
engineers, application users, and technical communities to meet, share
ideas and experiences, identify gaps in current capabilities, discuss
new research directions, highlight promising technologies, and showcase


The BRIMS Conference Program Committee invites papers, posters, demos,
symposia, panel discussions, and tutorials on topics related to the
representation of individuals, groups, teams and organizations in models
and simulations.  All submissions are peer-reviewed and considered for
selection by the Program Committee.


All submissions due 13 Feb 2006. 


See http://www.sisostds.org/- then select BRIMS from the Conference List
for the full call for papers and conference details.  




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