[ACT-R-users] IICAI-05 Final Call for Papers

Dr. Bhanu Prasad bhanu.prasad at famu.edu
Tue May 17 16:16:01 EDT 2005

*Apologies for cross posting. Please help forward to interested people*
The 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IICAI-05) (website: http://www.iiconference.org
<http://www.iiconference.org/> ) will be held in Pune, INDIA during
December 20-22 2005. This conference focuses on all areas of Artificial
Intelligence and related fields. We invite paper submissions for this
event. Paper submission deadline is June 1st 2005.

Bhanu Prasad
IICAI-05 Chair 
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307, USA 
Email: bhanu.prasad at famu.edu
PS: If you are not interested in this event then please send an email to
the above address and we will promptly remove your name from our list.
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