[ACT-R-users] Measures of semantic distance

Wayne Gray grayw at rpi.edu
Sat Jun 18 08:42:23 EDT 2005


For those of you new to the topic of measures of 
semantic distance (MSDs) I can recommend a short 
and very well-written discussion of how the major 
systems differ:

Lemaire, B., & Denhiére, G. (2004). Incremental 
construction of an associative network from a 
corpus. In K. D. Forbus & D. Gentner & T. Regier 
(Eds.), 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive 
Science Society, CogSci2004. Hillsdale, NJ: 
Lawrence Erlbaum Publisher.

There is also a very nice introduction to PMI-IR 
written by Peter D. Turney and published as a 
Lecture Note inn Computer Science. "Mining the 
Web for synonyms: PMI-IR versus LSA on TOEFL."

Unfortunately I do not have the complete citation on this one.

Wayne D. Gray; Professor of Cognitive Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Carnegie Building (rm 108) ;;for all surface mail & deliveries
110 8th St.; Troy, NY 12180

EMAIL: grayw at rpi.edu, Office: 518-276-3315, Fax: 518-276-3017

for general information see: http://www.rpi.edu/~grayw/

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for the CogWorks Lab see: http://www.cogsci.rpi.edu/cogworks/

If you just have formalisms or a model you are 
doing "operations research" or" AI", if you just 
have data and a good study you are doing 
"experimental psychology", and if you just have 
ideas you are doing "philosophy" -- it takes all 
three to do cognitive science.


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