[ACT-R-users] ICCM 2006 :: The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling ::

Andrea Stocco stocco at cmu.edu
Thu Dec 1 19:40:17 EST 2005

(Apologies for multiple postings...)

Dear member of the ACT-R community, 
We would like to remind you that the deadline for ICCM 2006 is approaching: Please, take note of the following information.

                    CALL FOR PAPERS

The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling
           Trieste, Italy, 5 - 8 April 2006

The International Conference on Cognitive Modeling provides an international forum that allows cognitive scientists pursuing computational modeling to present, discuss and evaluate their models, to compare different architectural approaches, and to further the development, accumulation and integration of cognitive theories.  

The goal of ICCM-2006 is to foster the development of models of human cognition based on a principled integration of analytical, experimental and computational tools capable of providing theoretical accounts of phenomena spanning different levels of analysis, from the behavioral to the neuronal ones.

ICCM-2006 invites the submission of papers from the whole scope of modeling approaches including, but not restricted to,symbolic, connectionist, hybrid, neural, Bayesian, statistical and mathematical models.  

Authors are strongly encouraged (but not obliged) to include in the submission the code of the models discussed in their work.

Invited Speakers:
- Dario Floreano (Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Wayne D. Gray (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY)
- Boicho Kokinov (New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Tom M. Mitchell (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA)
- Richard L. Lewis (University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, MI) 

Program Committee (provisional list)
- Erik M. Altmann (Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI)
- John R. Anderson (Carnegie Mellon Univerity, Pittsburgh, PA)
- Annamaria Borghi (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy)
- Mike D. Byrne (Rice University, Austin, TX)
- Cristiano Castelfranchi (National Research Council CNR, Roma, Italy
- Tatiana Chernigovskaya (St.Petersburgh State University, St.Petersburgh, Russia)
- Axel Cleeremans (Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium)
- Richard P. Cooper (Birkbeck University of London, London, UK)
- Dietrich Doerner (University of Bamberg, Germany)
- Stefano Ghirlanda (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Kevin A. Gluck (Air Force Research Laboratory, Mesa, AZ)
- Wayne D. Gray (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY)
- Glenn F. Gunzelmann (Air Force Research Laboratory, Mesa, AZ)
- Boicho Kokinov (New Bulgarian University, Sophia, Bulgaria)
- Christian Lebiere (Micro Analysis and Design, Pittsburgh, PA)
- Frank J. Lee (Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA)
- Richard L. Lewis (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI)
- Marsha C. Lovett (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA) 
- Stellan Ohlsson  (University of Illinois, Chicago, IL)        
- Frank E. Ritter (Penn State University, University Park, PA)
- Dario Salvucci (Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA)
- Lael J. Schooler (Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Germany)
- Christian D. Schunn (University of Pittsburgh, PA)
- Tim Shallice (International School of Advanced Studies SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
- Ron Sun (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY)
- Niels Taatgen (University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Werner Tack (Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany)
- Alessandro Treves (International School of Advanced Studies SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
- Hedderick van Rijn (University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Boris M. Velichkovsky (Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany)        
- Ipke Wachsmuth (University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany)
- Richard M. Young (University College London, London, UK)

Submission Categories:
- Papers: scientific contribution ranging in length from 4 to a maximum of 6 pages. 
- Abstracts: short scientific contribution (up to 2 pages).
Accepted papers and abstracts will appear in the conference proceedings, and will be
presented as a talk or as a poster at the conference. 

Submission Deadlines:
- Papers: 15 December 2005         
- Abstracts: 10 February 2006
- Final contributions due: 20 February 2006

Submission Formats:
All submissions must be camera-ready pdf files named in the format "firstAuthorName.pdf".  The files should be readable by a standard Acrobat Reader (version 6.0 or superior), and must be editable by people other than the author.  
Special non-standard fonts must be included within the submitted file. Templates for the files could be downloaded from the conference website: http://iccm2006.units.it.

Page length:
Submitted papers can be from 4  up to 6 pages long. Papers accepted for publication will appear in the proceedings, and will either be presented as a talk or as a poster at the conference.  Abstracts are 2 pages long and will be presented only as a poster.  Please note: As an issue of fairness, submissions that are over these lengths will be rejected without review.  Similarly, submission files that are not readable or editable will be rejected without review.

Additional Materials:
Authors are strongly encouraged (but not enforced) to include in the submission the code of the models discussed in their work. Submitted models should be sent through a zip/gz archive containing all the code, and sharing the same name of the pdf file. 

All submissions must be sent to:

        iccm2006 at theoffice.it

Organizing Committee:

Danilo Fum (University of Trieste)
Andrea Stocco (Carnegie Mellon University)
Fabio Del Missier (University of Trento)

website: iccm2006.units.it
email: iccm2006 at units.it. 

Organizing secretariat:
The Office

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