[ACT-R-users] Sixth Annual David E. Rumelhart Prize

Wayne Gray grayw at rpi.edu
Tue Apr 12 13:32:10 EDT 2005

PLease distribute:

                       CALL FOR NOMINATIONS
                              For the
              Sixth Annual David E. Rumelhart Prize
                   for Contributions to the
           Theoretical Foundations of Human Cognition

               DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT: MAY 2, 2005

The David E. Rumelhart Prize is awarded annually to an individual
or collaborative team making a significant contemporary
contribution to the theoretical foundations of human cognition.

We hereby call for nominations for the sixth Rumelhart Prize, to
be announced at the Cognitive Science Society Meeting in Stresa,
Italy in July, 2005 and presented at the subsequent Meeting in
Vancouver, Canada, in 2006.

As in the past, contributions may be formal in nature:
mathematical modeling of human cognitive processes, formal
analysis of language and other products of human cognitive
activity, and computational analyses of human cognition using
symbolic or non-symbolic frameworks all fall within the scope of
the award.  In an important expansion of the scope of the prize,
the prize now also encompasses seminal contributions that may not
be formal, but that nevertheless make fundamental contributions
to theory.  We seek to be inclusive and welcome nominations that
would increase the diversity (in gender, disciplinary
affiliation, geography, and any other relevant dimensions) of the
prize winners.  The prize consists of a certificate, a citation
of the awardee's contribution, and a monetary award of $100,000.

Recipients and Prize-Related Activities

The recipient of the fifth David E. Rumelhart Prize is Paul
Smolensky. Smolensky will receive the prize and deliver the Prize
Lecture at the Twenty-Seventh annual meeting of the Cognitive
Science Society in Stresa, Italy in July, 2005. Previous winners
of the Prize are Geoffrey E. Hinton (2001), Richard M. Shiffrin
(2002), Aravind Joshi (2003) and John Anderson (2004). Each
received the prize and delivered the Prize Lecture at the Meeting
of the Cognitive Science Society in the year indicated.

Funding of the Prize

The David E. Rumelhart Prize is funded by the Robert J. Glushko
and Pamela Samuelson Foundation, based in San Francisco. Robert
J. Glushko is an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley who received a
Ph. D. in Cognitive Psychology in 1979 under Rumelhart's

Nomination Materials and Deadlines

The committee invites new nominations, as well as updates to
nominations previously submitted.  To be considered in the
committee's deliberations for the prize that will be announced in
2005 and awarded in 2006, materials must be received by May 2,
2005.  Materials should be sent to DER Prize Administration,
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, 115 Mellon Institute,
4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

Nominations should include (1) A statement of nomination (up to 3
pages) (2) a complete curriculum vitae and (3) 5 copies of up to
five key publications (for books, 1 or 2 copies will be
sufficient).  Note that the nominee may be an individual or a
team, and in the case of a team, vitae for all members should be
provided. The prize selection committee considers both the
scientific contributions and the scientific leadership and
collegiality of the nominees, so these issues should be addressed
in the statement of nomination.

Prize Administration

The Rumelhart Prize is administered by the Chair of the Prize
Selection Committee in consultation with the Glushko-Samuelson
Foundation and the Distinguished Advisory Board. Screening of
nominees and selection of the prize winner will be performed by
the Prize Selection Committee. Scientific members (including the
Chair) of the Prize Selection Committee will serve for up to two
four-year terms, and members of this committee will be selected
by the Glushko-Samuelson Foundation in consultation and current
members of the Prize Selection Committee. A representative of the
Foundation will also serve on the Prize Selection Committee.
Members of the Prize Selection Committee are listed below.

Prize Section Committee

John R. Anderson
Department of Psychology
Carnegie Mellon University

Stanislas Dehaene
Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit
INSERM, The French National Institute
of Health and Medical Research

Robert J. Glushko
Glushko-Samuelson Foundation

Linda Smith
Department of Psychology
University of Indiana

James L. McClelland (Chair)
Carnegie Mellon University and
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition

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