[ACT-R-users] Help with typing

Bonnie John Bej at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Oct 5 15:11:00 EDT 2004


We are trying to recreate old Keystroke-Level Models and replicate 
their match to human data using CogTool, a new tool that uses ACT-R 5 
as its underlying cognitive engine (with ACT-RPM 2.1.2 which may be a 
bit newer than what is currently packaged with ACT-R 5).

Has anyone validated how ACT-R 5 does transcription typing? Our times 
are not matching human data.

We are following the ACT-RPM motor module documentation, using 
press-key like it says to do for typing. But we keep getting an 
inter-keystroke time that averages about 0.5 sec, which is far slower 
than Card, Moran & Newell's estimate for touch typists (200 to 280 
msec depending on how skilled). Of course, our models are coming out 
way too slow to match human data.

Any suggestions?
Thanks, Bonnie

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