[ACT-R-users] Act-r time question

Emond, Bruno bruno.emond at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Thu Nov 4 12:43:26 EST 2004

I am a little bit puzzled by the following act-r trace.

The productions are fairly simple.
•Recall-Text-Location calls +retrieval>
•Test-Recall-Not-Successful tests that
    =retrieval> isa error condition failure
    the it changes the goal to find the visual location
    of a text
None of these productions do pm calls.

The productions •Find-Text-Location and •Attend-To-Text
call respectively +visual-location and +visual

My question is what has appended to the time spent on 
which shows when •Test-Recall-Not-Successful fires?

I am running act-r/pm 2.2

  Time  0.000: Vision found LOC103
  Time  0.000: •Recall-Text-Location Selected
  Time  0.050: •Recall-Text-Location Fired
  Time  2.050: •Test-Recall-Not-Successful Selected
  Time  0.100: •Test-Recall-Not-Successful Fired
  Time  0.100: •Find-Text-Location Selected
  Time  0.150: •Find-Text-Location Fired
  Time  0.150: Module :VISION running command FIND-LOCATION
  Time  0.150: Vision found LOC104
  Time  0.150: •Attend-To-Text Selected
  Time  0.200: •Attend-To-Text Fired
  Time  0.200: Module :MOTOR running command MOVE-CURSOR
  Time  0.200: Module :VISION running command MOVE-ATTENTION
  Time  0.285: Module :VISION running command ENCODING-COMPLETE
  Time  0.285: Vision sees TEXT100
  Time  0.285: •Text-Found Selected
  Time  0.335: •Text-Found Fired


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