[ACT-R-users] ICCM2004 submission deadline extension

Christian Schunn schunn+ at pitt.edu
Wed Mar 31 13:24:07 EST 2004

Because of some confusion on the deadline and many who appear to need 
a few extra days, we have decided to extend the paper and symposia 
submission deadlines for ICCM2004 to April 7th, 2004.

So, to list all the deadlines as they stand now:

Papers + Symposia: April 7, 23:59 EDST
Poster-abstracts: June 15, 23:59 EDST
Doctoral Consortium submissions: April 1, 23:59 EDST

For further information about ICCM2004 and submission instructions, 
see http://simon.lrdc.pitt.edu/~iccm/


Marsha Lovett (lovett at cmu.edu)
Christian Schunn (schunn at pitt.edu)
Christian Lebiere (clebiere at maad.com)
Paul Munro (pmunro at mail.sis.pitt.edu)
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