[ACT-R-users] Rumelhart Award Party

Kevin.Gluck at mesa.afmc.af.mil Kevin.Gluck at mesa.afmc.af.mil
Mon Jul 12 16:56:54 EDT 2004

Dear ACT-R Group:


Several of us have been going through our email messages, and we can't seem
to find the message that John's current grad students and post-docs have
sent out concerning the party at CogSci celebrating his Rumelhart Award.


The strangest part is, we can't even find it in the ACT-R users archives.


We all know there is a long tradition of John and Lynne generously
sponsoring celebrations of various sorts (summer school parties, birthday
parties), with lab members (mostly grad students and post-docs) helping with
the planning and logistics of those celebrations.  


Certainly the current lab members must have stepped up for this exceptional
occasion. So, could someone involved in the planning please (re)send an
email describing the progress that has been made on putting this event
together?  When is it?  Where is it?  Will there be mimes?


Many thanks,





Kevin A. Gluck, PhD

Research Psychologist

Air Force Research Laboratory

6030 S. Kent St. 

Mesa, AZ  85212-6061


Ph:  480-988-6561 x-234 / DSN 474-6234

Cell: 480-229-4569

Fax: 480-988-6285


PALM Lab Website: http://www.mesa.afmc.af.mil/html/palmlab.htm


2004 Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation:


"Anyone with an idea whose time has come can accomplish anything provided
they are willing to work hard enough."

            - Cecil Burney


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