[ACT-R-users] need reviewers for ICCM2004

Christian Schunn schunn+ at pitt.edu
Fri Apr 9 09:11:47 EDT 2004

Dear cognitive modelers,

We are seeking reviewers for ICCM2004. We have a strong set of paper 
submissions and an excellent set of Program Committee Members to 
supervise the review process.

If you have some expertise in any form of computational cognitive 
modeling, we hope that you would consider signing up to review some 
papers for ICCM. (For those of you who are already reviewers and PC 
members, thank you.) You will have the ability to say how many papers 
you are willing to do within the system.

To sign up to be a reviewer, go to the submission website:


If you already have an account in the system, either from submitting 
or reviewing for cogsci or submitting for iccm, you don't need to 
create and account. Just login. Otherwise, click on the 'create your 
own account link'.

Once you have an account and are logged in, select the volunteer to 
review link. In the system, one first signs up to review generally 
within the system. Because we share the system with the cogsci 
conference (and they paid), it will look a little like you are 
signing up to review for cogsci. But fear not and more forward. After 
you have volunteered to review generally, the system will ask you to 
say which conference you are reviewing for. Here you select ICCM and 
list how many papers you are willing to review. We are hoping you 
will volunteer for at least 4, but we will take what we can get. Make 
sure you also tell the system your areas of expertise, so that PC 
members can be guided towards giving you the papers closest to your 
areas of expertise.

 From that point on, the system and our PC members will assign papers 
to you and you will receive emails alerting you to that activity.

Thanks for your help. The quality of the conference depends upon your 

-Chris, Paul, Marsha, & Christian

    Christian Schunn
    Assistant Professor of Psychology, Intelligent Systems, and Education
    Research Scientist, Learning Research & Development Center
    University of Pittsburgh

    schunn at pitt.edu, http://www.lrdc.pitt.edu/schunn

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