[ACT-R-users] Device Interface

Mike Byrne byrne at rice.edu
Thu Sep 25 18:25:09 EDT 2003

On 2003.09.25, Pius P M Soares <pius at lmp.ufrj.br> said:

> Can anyone please send me an example of an act-r/pm device (lisp
> object) with the related methods?

Several are provided with the ACT-R distribution: the
"mcl-interface.lisp" file and the "acl-device.lisp" file, as well
as the "act-gui-interface.lisp" file.


Mike Byrne, Ph.D.                             byrne at acm.org
Assistant Professor, Psychology Department
Rice University, MS-25          http://chil.rice.edu/byrne/
6100 Main Street                      +1 713-348-3770 voice
Houston, TX  77005-1892                 +1 713-348-5221 fax

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