[ACT-R-users] production compilation

db30 at andrew.cmu.edu db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Jul 23 09:09:21 EDT 2003

--On Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:28 PM +0200 Wolfgang Schoppek 
<Wolfgang.Schoppek at uni-bayreuth.de> wrote:

> I've some questions concerning production compilation.

> 2. How can I unpack the content of chunks that are in the goal without
> such implicit retrievals? In the above example, I can't simply write:
> (p stop-waiting-retrieval-minus
>   =goal>
>     isa aa-prob
>     lt =lt
>     op =op
>   ...
>  ==>
>   +retrieval>
>     isa operator
>     sg minus
>     nm =nm
>   ...)
> ... because I dont't want to retrieve some operator, but exactly the
> one that is bound in the goal (=op).

I don't know the answer to the production compilation question, but for 
this part there is a special syntax in ACT-R 5, called the direct 
retrieval.  To do what you want you would do this:

(p direct-retrieval-of-a-chunk
      isa as-prob
      op =op
   +retrieval> =op

That would request a retrieval of that chunk explicitly.  It is still 
subject to the retrieval threshold, but it is immune to the effects of 
partial matching.  Then, of course you'd need a follow-up production to 
harvest that retrieval.


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