[ACT-R-users] Cognitive Modeling position at PARC

Peter Pirolli pirolli at parc.xerox.com
Tue Jan 28 13:39:44 EST 2003

The User Interface Research Area (UIR) at the Palo Alto Research Center 
(PARC) anticipates a new position opening for a Cognitive Modeler. UIR is 
expanding its research on human-information interaction, with a current 
focus on improving the intelligence of people engaged in making sense from 
large volumes of information. The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in 
Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Science, or related fields, with experience 
in performing empirical psychological studies and developing computational 
models of cognition. Our current need is for someone with experience in 
developing models of human-computer interaction; especially models of 
higher level cognition, such as problem solving, comprehension., concept 
formation, and decision making.  We anticipate a need for someone with 
additional experience in developing perceptual-motor models especially 
visual search and attention. In addition, the position will require 
experience and skills in performing psychological experiments and cognitive 
task analysis.

The UIR Area at PARC is a leader in the field of Human Computer Interaction 
(HCI), having been the site of seminal work on the input devices (e.g., the 
mouse), the psychology of HCI (e.g., GOMS), information visualization, and 
information foraging theory. The UIR research lab is equipped with 
state-of-the-art instrumentation for eye tracking, digital video recording 
and analysis, and logging of application and content use. PARC inventors 
were seminal in the development of the personal computer, networked 
computing, laser printing, the graphical user interface, digital property 
rights, and ubiquitous computing.

--Peter Pirolli
   Principal Scientist
   User Interface Research

Inquiries and applications can be sent to pirolli at parc.com

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