[ACT-R-users] Workshop program: Cognitive modeling of agents and multi-agent interaction
Ron Sun
rsun at ari1.cecs.missouri.edu
Sun Apr 20 16:27:46 EDT 2003
Workshop on
Cognitive Modeling of Agents and Multi-Agent Interactions
August 9, 2003. Acapulco, Mexico
(at IJCAI'2003)
Computational models of cognitive agents that incorporate a wide
range of cognitive functionalities (such as a variety of
memory/representation, various types of learning, and sensory motor
capabilities) have been developed in both AI and cognitive science.
In AI, they appear under the rubric of intelligent agents and
multi-agent systems. In cognitive science, they are often known as
cognitive architectures. These strands of research provide useful
paradigms for addressing some fundamental questions in AI and
Cognitive Science.
Artificial intelligence started out with the goal of designing functioning
intelligent agents. However, faced with the enormous difficulty of
the task, the focus has largely been on modeling specific aspects of
intelligence, often in highly restricted domains. Nevertheless, some
researchers have focused on putting the pieces together with the goal
of designing autonomous agents. More important, there is a growing interest in
multi-agent interactions that addresses issues of coordination and cooperation
among cognitive agents.
On the other side, traditionally, the main focus of research in cognitive
science has been on specific components of cognition (e.g., perception,
memory, learning, language). Recent developments in computational modeling
of cognitive architectures provide new avenues for precisely specifying
complex cognitive processes in tangible ways, thereby addressing foundational
questions in cognitive science. Such developments need to be extended to
multi-agent interactions and there are promising developments in this regard
(see e.g. recent papers in this area in the journal Cognitive Systems Research).
Against this background, this workshop seeks to bring together cognitive
scientists and AI researchers, with a wide range of background and expertise,
to discuss research problems in understanding cognition at the individual
level as well as at the collective level.
Tentative Program
August 9, 2003. Acapulco, Mexico
9:00 - 9:10
Opening Remarks
Ron Sun
Session 1:
Cognitive Models of Physical and Social Environments (Chair: Ron Sun)
9:10 - 11:40 (30 minutes each)
A Value-Laden Architecture for Intelligent Behavior
Pat Langley
Daniel Shapiro
Meg Aycinema
Michael Siliski
Representational Content and Reciprocal Interplay
Tibor Bosse
Catholijn M. Jonker
Jan Treur
Cognitive Anatomy and Functions of Expectations
Cristiano Castelfranchi
Emiliano Lorini
Obligations and Permissions as Mental Entities
G. Boella
L. van der Torre
Finding Interaction Partners using Cognition-Based Decision Strategies
Partha Sarathi Dutta
Luc Moreau
Nicholas R. Jennings
Session 2:
ACT-R Based Cognitive Modeling (Chair: P. Langley)
1:30 - 3:00 (30 minutes each)
Cognitive Architectures, Game Playing, and Interactive Agents
Robert L. West,
Christian Lebiere,
Teamwork, Communication, and Planning in ACT-R
Brad Best
Christian Lebiere
Learning to Play Hide and Seek
Greg Trafton
Alan Schultz
Dennis Perzanowski
Bill Adams
Magda Bugajska
Nick Cassimatis
Derek Brock
Session 3:
Short Presentations (Chair: Robert West)
3:00 - 4:45 (15 minutes each)
Use of a 3D Gaming Environment for a Cognitive Agent
John F. Santore
Stuart C. Shapiro
Design Agents in 3D Virtual Worlds
Mary Lou Maher
Greg Smith
John Gero
Function-Behaviour-Structure: A Model for Social Situated Agents
John S. Gero
Udo Kannengiesser
Optimize or Adapt? Explore or Exploit? Let the Agent (Meta-)Decide
Norberto Eiji Nawa
BDI Architecture in the Framework of Situation Calculus
Robert Demolombe
Pilar Pozos Parra
Reasoning by Assumption
Tibor Bosse
Catholijn M. Jonker
Jan Treur
An Integrative Architecture for Artificial General Intelligence
Ben Goertzel
Cassio Pennachin
Andre Senna
Thiago Maia
Guilherme Lamacie
Panel Discussion: Cognitive Modeling and Multi-Agent Systems---the Synergy
5:00 - 6:00
Ron Sun
Cristiano Castelfranchi
Christian Lebiere
Jan Treur
Jonathan Gratch
Contact IJCAI regarding registration and travel matters. See
for details.
See the workshop Web page at:
Professor Ron Sun, Ph.D James C. Dowell Professor
CECS Department, 201 EBW phone: (573) 884-7662
University of Missouri-Columbia fax: (573) 882-8318
Columbia, MO 65211-2060 email: rsun at cecs.missouri.edu
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