[ACT-R-users] Cog Modeling Announcements: ICCM'03; CogSci tutorials; AISBQ
Frank Ritter. ritter@ist.psu.edu
ritter at ist.psu.edu
Sat Oct 12 13:42:58 EDT 2002
Cog Modeling Announcements: ICCM'03; CogSci tutorials; jobs
[Please feel free to forward this as well.]
This is based on the International Cognitive Modeling Conference
mailing list, which I maintain. I've added you to it by hand. I send
the messages out by hand using Emacs.
I email to it about 1-2 times/year a bunch of cognitive modeling and
HCI related announcements, jobs, and links. I will continue to send
this to you about twice a year unless you tell me to stop. I think
they are each of some quality.
[1] Call for papers for International Conference on Cognitive
Due 1 November 2002, conference April 10 - 12, 2003
[2] Interesting book on Cognitive Systems Engineering
online for free: http://iac.dtic.mil/hsiac/soar.htm,
paper copy $45: http://iac.dtic.mil/hsiac
[3] AISB'03 AISB'03 Call for Symposium Proposals
Due 1 November
[4] Announcement: EuroCogSci Conference, Sept. 2003
[5] Call for Cognitive Science conference 2003 tutorials,
Summer 2003 Boston
[6] Opening in Applied Cog. Psyc (Fall 2003) at George Mason U.
[7] Opening cogsci/cogengineering at RPI
[8] Chair in School of Information Sciences and Technology,
Penn State
Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM 2003)
Call for Participation
Bamberg, Germany, April 10 - 12, 2003
Computational modeling in the last years became an important tool for
building and testing theories in Cognitive Science. ICCM provides a
worldwide forum for cognitive scientists who build computational
theories and test them against empirical data.
The goal of ICCM-2003 is to bring together researchers from diverse
backgrounds (Information Science, Neurophysiology, Psychology,
Psycholinguistics, Robotics),
* to discuss theoretical models,
* to learn more about the developments of different modeling
* approaches,
* to compare different approaches,
* to discuss evaluations of theoretical models using empirical
* data
* and generally to bring forward the accumulation and integration
of cognitive models and theory in Cognitive Science.
We expect to have researchers from the whole scope of modeling
approaches, including symbolic modeling, production system,
connectionist and neuronal modeling, Bayesian models, Petrinets,
dynamic systems, and various hybrid approaches.
We also expect to have work presented from a wide variety of domains,
ranging from low-level perception and attention to higher-level mental
processes like thinking, reasoning and learning and the integration of
cognition, emotion and motivation in complex action regulation.
We shall continue with the traditions of the previous conferences from
ECCM to ICCM 4; especially the Newell Award for best Student paper,
the Best Applied Research Award, a Doctoral Consortium, and
Competitive Symposia. The ICCM Doctoral Consortium provides an
opportunity for doctoral students to explore their dissertation work
in a multi-approach workshop (the day before the Conference) under the
guidance of a panel of distinguished research faculty.
Competitive symposia are submitted symposia consisting of 3 to 6
participants and presenting multiple competitive models related to a
given domain or phenomena.
The research being presented at ICCM-2003 will appear in a Conference
proceedings volume. The proceedings will contain 6-page extended
descriptions for paper presentations and 2-page extended abstracts for
poster presentations.
General contact adress is iccm2003 at gmx.net
More information and pre-registration on
The Conference chairs are Dietrich Dvrner
(dietrich.doerner at ppp.uni-bamberg.de) and Harald Schaub
(harald.schaub at ppp.uni-bamberg.de) and the local host is Frank Detje
(frank.detje at ppp.uni-bamberg.de).
Cognitive Systems Engineering in Military Aviation Environments:
Avoiding Cogminutia Fragmentosa!
Editors: Michael D. McNeese and Michael A. Vidulich
Authors: Robert G. Eggleston; Keith C. Hendy, David Beevis, Frederick
Lichacz, and Jack L. Edwards; Eva Hudlicka and Michael McNeese;
Michael McNeese; Neelam Naikar, Gavan Lintern, and Penelope Sanderson;
Scott S. Potter, Emilie M. Roth, James Gualtieri, James Easter, and
William C. Elm; John M. Reising; Robert M. Taylor, Michael C. Bonner,
Blair Dickson, Howard Howells, Christopher A. Miller, Nicholas Milton,
Kit Pleydell-Pearce, Nigel Shadbolt, Jeni Tennison, and Sharon
Whitecross; and David Woods and Klaus Christoffersen
Abstract: This report details the perspectives and foundations of an
international community of practitioners who have both developed and
applied Cognitive Systems Engineering (CSE). One can see the field
emerges from several corridors that in turn produce alternative
methodologies/approaches to address military aviation
domains. Differing philosophies and techniques spawn incisive pathways
of integration in the development of design artifacts. Because the
aviation domain is fraught with multifarious levels of complexity and
is demonstrative of "cogminutia fragmentosa," we believe it supplies
an excellent foundation for reviewing, assessing, communicating, and
evaluating some of the principles (and nuances) inherent within
various programs of CSE.
To order, contact:le for inclusion in a call for papers.
* Case for support - Not more than 750 words arguing the case for
supporting your symposium at the AISB'03 event.
* Programme committee - Names and affiliations of four colleagues
who have agreed in principle to serve on your symposium's
programme committee. Proposals will be selected by the AISB
Symposium Proposals 1st November 2002
Notification re: Symposia 11th November 2002
Calls for Extended Abstracts by 18th November 2002
Submission Deadline 20th December 2002
Notification re: Extended Abstracts 20th January 2003
Submission of full papers 7th March 2003
Convention 7th - 11th April 2003
AISB'03 Call for Symposium Proposals
7 - 11 April 2003, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of
Behaviour (AISB) is pleased to announce its forthcoming convention and
to invite proposals for the symposia which will constitute the event.
* Dates: from 7th April 2003 until 11th April 2003 inclusive.
* Location: Department of Computer Science, University of Wales,
* Aberystwyth.
* Format: at least six serial/parallel symposia on specialist AI
* topics
The AISB'03 Symposia
Each AISB'03 symposium will feature between 15 and 20 papers on a
well-focussed AI topic. Each symposium will have a programme chair,
who will be responsible for administration of the programme,
recruiting a programme committee, and refereeing extended abstracts
for presentation of papers at the event. It is hoped that
post-convention publication of proceedings will be arranged via one of
the usual publishers. Funding will be available for reasonable
administrative expenses.
Convention Themes
Symposia are encouraged to relate to the general theme of:
"Cognition in Machines and Animals".
This reflects current interest in such topics as: cognitive
development, biologically-inspired modelling, and learning in
robotics. The coverage is intended to be wide and inclusive, with
general keywords such as:
* Perception and Sensory Systems
* Learning
* Adaptation and Development
* Motility and Action
* Robotics/Agents/Autonomous Systems
* Interaction and Communication
* Analysis/Synthesis of Behaviour.
However, it is to be emphasised that proposals in ALL areas of
Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science are encouraged.
Making a Proposal
Proposals should be made by writing to:
Mark Lee
Department of Computer Science
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
SY23 3BD
United Kingdom
enclosing the following information:
* Title of Symposium - Not more than 8 words.
* Name & affiliation of Symposium Chair - Include both postal and
* email addresses and both fax and telephone numbers.
* Abstract for Symposium - Not more than 200 words explaining the
* remit of the symposium. This should be suitable for inclusion in
* a call for papers.
* Case for support - Not more than 750 words arguing the case for
* supporting your symposium at the AISB'03 event.
* Programme committee - Names and affiliations of four colleagues
* who have agreed in principle to serve on your symposium's
* programme committee. Proposals will be selected by the AISB
* committee.
Symposium Proposals 1st November 2002
Notification re: Symposia 11th November 2002
Calls for Extended Abstracts by 18th November 2002
Submission Deadline 20th December 2002
Notification re: Extended Abstracts 20th January 2003
Submission of full papers 7th March 2003
Convention 7th - 11th April 2003
EuroCogSci03 is jointly organized by the Cognitive Science Society and
by the German Cognitive Science Society (Gesellschaft f|r
Kognitionswissenschaft, GK). Conference host is the Institute of
Cognitive Science of the University of Osnabr|ck / Germany.
10-13 September 2003
The aim of the conference is the presentation of empirical,
theoretical, and analytical work from all areas of interest in
cognitive science, such as artificial intelligence, education,
linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology and anthropology.
The focus is on interdisciplinary work that is either of interest for
more than one of the mentioned research areas or integrates research
methods from different fields. Furthermore, applications of cognitive
science research in such domains as human-computer interaction,
education, knowledge management, or engineering are equally welcome.
[5] Call for Cognitive Science conference 2003 tutorials,
Summer 2003 Boston
From: Deborah Boehm-Davis <dbdavis at GMU.EDU>
Subject: Job Announcement - GMU
The Department of Psychology at George Mason University anticipates an
opening to begin in Fall 2003, at the assistant or associate
level. The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology
or related area and experience developing cognitive theory. The
successful candidate will be expected to teach in the undergraduate
and graduate programs in the Human Factors and Applied Cognitive
Program. We will consider applicants from a variety of research
specializations, such as complex problem solving, higher level
cognition, visual attention, training (especially computer-based),
memory, human performance, decision making, computational cognitive
modeling, human computer interaction, and human factors. Candidates at
the associate level should have a history of external
funding. Candidates at both levels should have a commitment to high
quality teaching.
George Mason University is located approximately 15 miles SW of
Washington, DC and is the newest university in the Virginia
Commonwealth system. The psychology department has Ph.D. programs in
applied cognitive psychology, industrial/organizational psychology,
developmental, and clinical psychology. The successful candidate will
be a member of the ARCH Lab, which houses HFAC faculty, their research
facilities, and both undergraduate and graduate students in a
collaborative and highly productive environment.
Applications will be evaluated starting on November 1, 2002 and will
continue until a suitable candidate is found. A vita, three letters of
recommendation, and a brief statement of research and teaching
interests should be sent to: Cognitive Search Committee, George Mason
University, MSN 3F5, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444. We encourage applications
from women and minority candidates. George Mason University is an
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
If you have any questions about this position, please contact Deborah
Boehm-Davis (dbdavis at gmu.edu), Christopher Kello (ckello at gmu.edu), or
Matthew Peterson (mpeters2 at gmu.edu).
Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, Professor
Phone: +1 703-993-8735
Fax: +1 703-993-1330
George Mason University
ARCH Lab/HFAC Program
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
The Cognitive Science Department of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
anticipates one or more openings beginning in Fall 2003, rank open.
The School of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) at The
Pennsylvania State University is likely to announce an open chair
position. Related details at:
For more about IST go to ist.psu.edu. For more about Penn State
University, please go to www.psu.edu.
Screening of candidates would begin soon. At this point, I think you
can send an application, including cover letter, full curriculum
vitae, a one page statement of professional interests, and a separate
listing of five references that includes their names, addresses,
phone/e-mail addresses and be submitted either through e-mail to
recruit at ist.psu.edu or through postal mail to:
Chairperson, IST Chair Search Committee
School of Information Sciences and Technology
001 Thomas Building - Box C
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Further details from me or from John Yen <jyen at ist.psu.edu>.
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