Competing "retrieval" rule vs compiled "habit" rule?

Mike Byrne byrne at
Thu Mar 21 10:36:53 EST 2002

> Let me start by mentioning my favorite PCE: forgetting to add a
> promised attachment to an email you send off.

People ask me about this all the time, and I'm not yet convinced
this is actually a PCE.  While it seems pretty clear to me that the
goal of using a photocopier is to get photocopies (the 21st century
version of this error is leaving your original on a flatbed
scanner, by the way), it is not 100% clear to me that there's a
main goal that's been completed when an attachment has been
neglected.  I tend to be of the opinion that this is a
habit-capture error.  So for instance, when I type "-Mike" at the
bottom of my email, habit says the next thing to do is execute the
keystroke that does a send.  So one could think of it more as a
capture error, but it certainly has a PCE feel to it as well.
Definitely a grey area.


Mike Byrne, Ph.D.                             byrne at
Assistant Professor, Psychology Department
Rice University, MS-25
6100 Main Street                      +1 713-348-3770 voice
Houston, TX  77005-1892                 +1 713-348-5221 fax

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