[ACT-R-users] EuroCogSci03: Call for Papers
Anna Jungeilges
EuroCogSci03 at uos.de
Fri Dec 6 05:15:00 EST 2002
EUROCOGSCI03: European Cognitive Science Conference
(We apologize for any multiple postings)
Dates: Sept 10 through Sept 13, 2003 (Main Conference)
Sept 9 (noon) - Sept 10 (noon) Tutorials
at the University of Osnabrueck / Germany
EuroCogSci03 is jointly organized by the Cognitive Science Society, the
premier society for basic and applied cognitive science research (see
http://www.cognitivesciencesociety.org) and the German Cognitive Science
Society (Gesellschaft fuer Kognitionswissenschaft, GK, see
http://www.gk-ev.de) as a major event gathering leading cognitive
scientists in Europe.
We encourage researchers especially from Europe and from across the
world to submit their high quality work, attend EuroCogSci03, meet with
European researchers and practitioners and update their knowledge about
the latest scientific progress made in Cognitive Science.
The website of the conference is:
Plenary speakers and invited symposia participants:
Michel Fayol / Clermont Ferrand
Rainer Goebel / Maastricht
Arthur Graesser / Memphis
Pim Haselager / Nijmegen
Alan Lesgold / Pittsburgh
Hanspeter Mallot / Tuebingen
Laura Martignon / Berlin
Joelle Proust / Paris
Hans Rott / Regensburg
Elsbeth Stern / Berlin
Ipke Wachsmuth / Bielefeld
Sidney Wiener / Paris
York Winter / Munich
This conference will particularly feature showcases of Cognitive Science
in Europe. Institutes with prominent work in Cognitive Science from
within Europe are asked to succinctly describe their facilities, major
research topics and the contributing scientists in a two-page summary.
Positively reviewed submissions will be printed in the conference
proceedings and a respective poster is to be presented at the
The submission categories and deadlines are:
March 1, 2003
* Six-page papers. Refereed papers for publication in Proceedings. These
will be presented as traditional talks or posters.
* Symposia. Complete proposals for a 90 minute symposium on current
research topics. Proposals should list participants and moderator, and
include a one-page summary of the topic.
* Tutorials. Submissions on topics of major importance in Cognitive
Science are requested for half-day tutorials (to be held on Sept. 9
afternoon or Sept. 10 morning) or full-day tutorials (Sept. 9 afternoon
AND Sept. 10 morning).
April 30, 2003
* Notification of acceptance for papers, symposia and tutorials.
May 9, 2003
* Poster Abstracts submission. One page abstracts can be submitted and
will be reviewed. Accepted posters will be presented at the conference
and will appear in the Proceedings.
May 30, 2003
* Camera ready papers and abstracts must be provided and conference fees
must be paid.
Franz Schmalhofer / University of Osnabrueck
Richard Young / University of Hertfordshire
Please address all correspondence to EuroCogSci03 at uos.de
For further information, see the conference website:
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