new book on sequence learning

Ron Sun rsun at
Sat Jan 27 17:14:51 EST 2001

Book announcement:


                edited by: Ron Sun and C. L. Giles

             published by Springer-Verlag: LNAI 1828

This book is intended for use by scientists, engineers, and students
interested in sequence learning in artificial intelligence, neural networks,
and cognitive science. The book will introduce essential algorithms and
methods of sequence learning and further develop them in various ways.
With the help of these concepts, a variety of applications will be examined.
This book will allow the reader to acquire an appreciation of the breadth
and variety  sequence learning and its potential as
an interesting area of research and application. The reader is assumed
to have basic knowledge of neural networks and AI concepts.

Sequential behavior is essential to intelligence and a fundamental part
of human activities ranging from reasoning to language, and from everyday
skills to complex problem solving. Sequence learning is an important component
of learning in many task domains --- planning, reasoning, robotics,
natural language processing, speech recognition, adaptive control, time
series prediction, and so on. Naturally, there are many different approaches
towards sequence learning. These approaches deal with somewhat differently
formulated sequential learning problems, and/or different aspects of sequence
learning. This book will provide an overall framework for this field of study.


Table of Contents

Introduction to Sequence Learning 
by  Ron Sun

Part 1: Sequence Clustering and Learning with Markov Models

Sequence Learning via Bayesian Clustering by Dynamics 
by  Paola Sebastiani, Marco Ramoni, Paul Cohen

Using Dynamic Time Warping to Bootstrap HMM-Based Clustering of
Time Series 
by  Tim Oates, Laura Firoiu, Paul Cohen

Part 2: Sequence Prediction and Recognition with Neural Networks

Anticipation Model for Sequential Learning of Complex Sequences 
by  DeLiang Wang

Bidirectional Dynamics for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction 
by  Pierre Baldi, Soren Brunak, Paolo Frasconi, Gianluca Pollastri, Gio-
vanni Soda

Time in Connectionist Models 
by  Jean-Cedric Chappelier, Marco Gori, Alain Grumbach

On the Need for a Neural Abstract Machine 
by  Diego Sona, Alessandro Sperduti

Part 3: Sequence Discovery with Symbolic Methods

Sequence Mining in Categorical Domains: Algorithms and Applications
by  Mohammed J. Zaki

Sequence Learning in the ACT-R Cognitive Architecture: Empirical Anal-
ysis of a Hybrid Model 
by  Christian Lebiere, Dieter Wallach

Part 4: Sequential Decision Making

Sequential Decision Making Based on Direct Search 
by  Jurgen Schmidhuber

Automatic Segmentation of Sequences through Hierarchical Reinforcement
by  Ron Sun, Chad Sessions

Hidden-Mode Markov Decision Processes for Nonstationary Sequential De-
cision Making 
by  Samuel P. M. Choi, Dit-Yan Yeung, Nevin L. Zhang

Pricing in Agent Economies Using Neural Networks and Multi-agent Q-
by  Gerald Tesauro

Part 5: Biologically Inspired Sequence Learning Models

Multiple Forward Model Architecture for Sequence Processing 
by  Raju S. Bapi, Kenji Doya

Integration of Biologically Inspired Temporal Mechanisms into a Cortical
Framework for Sequence Processing 
by  Herve Frezza-Buet, Nicolas Rougier, Frederic Alexandre

Attentive Learning of Sequential Handwriting Movements: A Neural Net-
work Model 
by  Stephen Grossberg, Rainer Paine

About Editors 
Author Index 


To order, go to

	2001. XII, 391 pp.  Softcover
	DM 82, Recommended List Price

        	phone +49 6221 487 0  

Prof. Ron Sun                 
CECS Department                         phone: (573) 884-7662
University of Missouri-Columbia         fax:   (573) 882 8318 
201 Engineering Building West
Columbia, MO 65211-2060                 email: rsun at

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