Explicitness of Declarative Chunks

Jerry.Ball at williams.af.mil Jerry.Ball at williams.af.mil
Mon Dec 17 13:16:31 EST 2001

I would like to argue that at least with respect to language processing,
knowledge of language is pretty much implicit. That is, although we can be
taught that such and such a word is a noun or a verb, such explicit
knowledge of grammatical categories does not come into play in language
processing for native speakers of a language. My own experience with a
second language, where I was explicitly taught the grammar of the language,
was that I never got very good at the language so long as I relied on such
explicit knowledge.

I do not share the more extreme view that there is some independent language
processing module, although this would explain the implicitness of language
knowledge. However, I am grappling with the issue of how this implicit
knowledge of language maps onto ACT-R's distinction between declarative and
procedural knowledge. My current thinking is that knowledge about the
grammatical categories of words should be declarative, but implicit... 


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank E. Ritter [mailto:ritter at ist.psu.edu]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:40 AM
To: Troy Kelley; Jerry.Ball at williams.af.mil
Cc: act-r-users at andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: Re: Explicitness of Declarative Chunks

A very good book in this area is Ericsson and Simon's Verbal Protocol 
Analysis.  It is essentially a theory of how and what people can talk 
about, and how they do it.  It is worth getting in hardcover, if you 
can, because it is very useful.



At 10:25 -0500 14/12/01, Troy Kelley wrote:
>First, it is good to see someone posting to the ACT-R list.  I think you
>might want to look at the literature and see if any there are any
>experiments which look at just what people are aware of as explicit
>knowledge and what they are not aware of.  This seems to be a pretty good
>question for a few experiments because, off the top of my head, I don't
>think many people have looked at what "explicit knowledge" constitutes and
>what it excludes.  There is some evidence, from knowledge elicitation while
>developing expert systems, that experts are not completely aware of their
>knowledge, but I don't think anyone has really looked at this in any great
>detail, i.e. *exactly what* are they not aware of, and why they not aware
>of some things, but aware of other bits of their knowledge.  Theoretically,
>to carry this a step further, I have some trouble with the notion that
>people are completely unaware of procedural knowledge.  Sure it is
>difficult to explain how to ride a bike, but that is because it is a motor
>skill, and motor skills might not translate into words as easily as
>something more cognitive, like playing chess for example.  I think if you
>force people to think about what they know, more and more of the knowlege
>comes out.  I am not sure if the simple fact that some things are difficult
>to talk about, and difficult to quantify, perhaps because someone has never
>had to talk about some aspect of their expertise before, that this
>necessarily means that this knowledge is somehow unavailable or not
>These are interesting questions though, and a good area for research.
>Troy Kelley
>Army Research Laboratory
>Jerry.Ball at williams.af.mil on 12/13/2001 02:59:20 PM
>To:    act-r-users/@andrew.cmu.edu
>Subject:    Explicitness of Declarative Chunks
>It has been suggested that declarative chunks are explicit in that humans
>are consciously aware of the contents of declarative chunks and can reflect
>on their content.  However, it is not clear to me that the "type" of a
>declarative chunk is something that can necessarily be reflected on. Thus,
>if a human has a declarative chunk type  "ISA noun", it is not necessarily
>the case that the human can reflect on that type. Humans may know that
>belong to various categories without explicitly being able to reflect on
>what those categories are. If, on the other hand, the Part of Speech of a
>word is encoded in a slot with the type of the declarative chunk being
>something like "ISA word", then the same argument holds for the slot
>containing the POS.
>For example, given
>(man isa noun
>    word man)
>  (man isa word
>      word-form "man"
>      word-root man
>      word-type noun)
>Although the type "noun" is encoded in the declarative chunks, knowledge of
>the type "noun" remains implicit.


Frank  Ritter at ist.psu.edu 
School of Information Sciences and Technology
The Pennsylvania State University
004 Thomas (Basement)
University Park, PA  16801-3857
ph.  (814) 865-4453   fax (814) 865-6426

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