Dynamic systems & ACT-R

Wolfgang Schoppek Wolfgang.Schoppek at uni-bayreuth.de
Fri Nov 10 07:59:36 EST 2000

the next issues of "Cognitive Science Quarterly". It contains a running
ACT-R model.
Comments are welcome,
  Wolfgang Schoppek
Examples, Rules, and Strategies in the Control of Dynamic Systems
Two main types of knowledge are considered relevant to successful
control of dynamic systems: input-output knowledge (I-O-knowledge),
which represents specific input values together with the corres-pon-ding
output values, and structural knowledge, defined as general know-ledge
about the variables of a system and their causal relations. While
I-O-knowledge has proven important for the control of small systems,
structural knowledge is expected to enhance performance when dealing
with more complex systems. In an experiment, structural knowledge about
a complex system was manipulated. Although the experimental group had
better structural knowledge, the control group was equally successful in
reaching new goals. That seems to contradict other studies where effects
of structural knowledge on performance have been found. To resolve these
contra-dic-tions, the consideration of a third type of knowledge -
strategic knowledge - is suggested. The postulated effects of different
levels of structural and strategic knowledge are explored with a
computational model. The three knowledge types are used to interpret the
variety of findings within a unitary conceptual framework.

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