Proceedings ICCM-2000

Niels Taatgen niels at
Fri May 12 06:49:50 EDT 2000


>From 23 to 25 March 2000 the third international conference on cognitive
modeling (ICCM-2000) has been organized by the University of Groningen en the
Delft University of Technology. Its proceedings can be ordered through the
publisher, Universal Press, and cost 50 guilders (~$23).

Universal Press
Riethoek 36
3901 KS Veenendaal
+31 318 516356
unipress at

Information on the conference, and information on its predecessors and
succesors, can be found on the website:

The proceedings, edited by Niels Taatgen and Jans Aasman, have 300 pages and
contain papers that have been presented at the conference, and abstracts of the
talks of the two invited speakers, John Anderson and Axel Cleeremans, and of
posters presented at the conference.
ISBN: 90-803470-7-8

Table of contents of the papers:

Erik Altmann, Memory in Chains: A dual-code associative model of positional
Erik Altmann and Wayne Gray, The Anatomy of Serial Attention: An Integrated
Model of Set Shifting and Maintenance
Jean P. Banquet, Philippe Gaussier, Arnaud Revel, Sache Leprjtre, Sorin Moga,
Mathias Quoy and Ybes Burnod, Guided Navigation as implemented by a  mobile
Christina Bartl, Metacognition in Complex Problem Solving: How to implement the
effects of metacognition on goal selection in the architecture of PSI
Bradley J. Best and Herbert A. Simon, Simulating Human Performance on the
Traveling Salesman Problem
Raluca Budiu and John R. Anderson, Integration of Background Knowledge in
Sentence Processing: a Unified Theory of Metaphor Understanding,  Semantic
Illusions and Text Memory
Nathalie Chaignaud, Ikram Cheikhrouhou and Anh Nguyen-Xuan, Generalization  of a

Cognitive Model for Problem Solving with Incomplete Information
Anna Louise Cox and Richard M. Young, Device-Oriented and Task-Oriented
Exploratory Learning of Interactive Devices
Steve Croker, Julian M. Pine and Fernand Gobet, Modelling optional infinitive
phenomena: A computational account of tense optionality in childrens  speech
Frank Detje, Comparison of the PSI-theory with human behaviour in a complex task

Dietrich Dvrner, The Simulation of Extreme Forms of Behaviour
Stan Franklin, Modeling Consciousness and Cognition in Software Agents
Michael Freed and Roger Remington, Making Human-Machine System Simulation a
Practical Engineering Tool: An APEX Overview
Daniel Freudenthal, An Instance Learning Model of Task-Action Mappings
Danilo Fum and Fabio Del Missier, Climbing the mazes: A cognitive model of
spatial planning
Kevin Gluck, An ACT-R/PM Model of Algebra Symbolization
Fernand Gobet, Long-term working memory: A computational implementation for
chess expertise
Fernand Gobet and Frank E. Ritter, Individual Data Analysis and Unified
Theories of Cognition: A Methodological Proposal
Wayne D. Gray, Michael J. Schoelles and Wai-Tat Fu, Modeling a Continuous
Dynamic Task
Gary Jones, Fernand Gobet and Julian M. Pine, Learning novel sound patterns
Klaus Kessler and Gert Rickheit, Dynamic Binding and Context Influences  during
Scene Perception: Simulations and Experimental Results
Christian Lebiere, Dieter Wallach and Robert L. West, A Memory-based Account  of

the Prisoners Dilemma and Other 2x2 Games
Frank Lee and John Anderson, Modeling Eye-Movements of Skilled Performance  in a

Dynamic Task
Peter Lonsdale and Frank E. Ritter, Soar/Tcl-PM: Extending the Soar
Architecture  to Include a Widely Applicable Virtual Eye and Hand
Michael Matessa and John Anderson, An ACT-R Model of Adaptive Communication
Lorna Peters, Neil Davey, Pam Smith, David Messer, Connectionist Modelling  of
Skill Development: Object Balancing in Young Children
Hedderik van Rijn, Maarten van Someren and Han van der Maas, Modeling
Developmental Transitions in ACT-R. Simulating balance scale behaviour  by
symbolic and subsymbolic learning
Ardi Roelofs, Control of language: A computational account of the Stroop
Deb Roy, A Sensor-Grounded Computational Model of Early Word Learning
Dario Salvucci, An Integrated Model of Eye Movements and Visual Attention
Michael J. Schoelles and Wayne D. Gray, Argus Prime: Modeling Emergent
Microstrategies in a Complex, Simulated Task Environment
Dieter Wallach and Christian Lebiere, Learning of event sequences: An
architectural approach

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