New version of ACT-R Environment for Windows

Daniel J Bothell db30+ at
Thu May 27 13:10:04 EDT 1999

    There is a new version of the ACT-R Environment for Windows
available from our web site: .

The largest change from the previous versions is the addition
of the tutor mode to the instantiation viewer and the Tutor 
models (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 2.1), which were previously only 
available in the Macintosh version.  There are also some minor
bug fixes, and there is now an installation utility that sets
up a shortcut to start ACL with the environment automatically.  
This version of the environment will also work with the free 
version of ACL 5.0.  However, since the free version of ACL does 
not include the ability to compile files, ACT-R will run very 
slowly, and the heap limit in the free version will restrict the 
size of models and the number of times that they can be run.

If you have any questions, comments, or problems with the 
environment, please let me know.


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