Symposium on cognitive modeling

Niels Taatgen niels at
Wed May 12 09:35:31 EDT 1999

Symposium cognitive modeling

On the friday the 25th of june, the department of cognitive science and
engineering, in collaboration
with the Centre for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences, will
organize a symposium on cognitive
modeling. This symposium will focus on the ACT-R cognitive architecture,
developed by John
Anderson and his group at Carnegie Mellon University.


     John Anderson (Carnegie Mellon University): ACT-R and learning
     Richard Young (University of Hertfordshire): Title will be
announced later
     Dieter Wallach (University of Basel): A critical evaluation of
evidence against ACT-R's
     declarative-procedural distinction
     Frank Ritter (University of Notthingham): Frontiers of Cognitive
Models: Emotions!!
     Jans Aasman (Technical University of Delft): Title will be
announced later
     Niels Taatgen (University of Groningen): Learning without limits


The exact program will be announced shortly. The symposium will probably
start between 9.30 and
10.00, and will end between 17.00 and 18.00.


The symposium can be attended free of charge. However, due to
limitations in the size of the room,
attendance is restricted to 50 persons. So if you plan to attend, send a
message to Niels Taatgen, either
by email (niels at or regular mail:

Niels Taatgen
Cognitive Science and Engineering
University of Groningen
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
9712 TS Groningen
tel. 050-3636435 / +31 50 3636435

Web page

The following web page will contain information about the symposium, and
will be updated regularly:

Niels Taatgen
Technische Cognitiewetenschap/Cognitive science & engineering
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1, 9712 TS Groningen, Netherlands
050-3636435 / +31503636435
niels at

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