The Stroop effect
John Anderson
ja+ at
Tue Jul 27 21:35:45 EDT 1999
>What's the current state of ACT theory on the Stroop effect?
Below is one model that can be put through its paces by called
(defun do-trial (type color word)
(eval `(mod-chunk goal dimension ,type word ,word color ,color))
(goal-focus goal) (run) *time*)
(defun do-conditions ()
(list <bold>(do-trial 'color 'red 'red)
</bold> (do-trial 'color 'red nil)
<bold> (do-trial 'color 'red 'dog)
</bold> (do-trial 'color 'red 'green)
(do-trial 'word 'red 'red)
(do-trial 'word nil 'red)
(do-trial 'word 'red 'dog)
(do-trial 'word 'red 'green)))
(sgp :era t :lf .5
; :pm t :ans 1.0
(chunk-type response task stimulus response)
(chunk-type name dimension word color)
(add-dm (goal isa name)
(c1 isa response stimulus red response red task color)
(c2 isa response stimulus green response green task color)
(w1 isa response stimulus red response red task word)
(w2 isa response stimulus green response green task word)
(w3 isa response stimulus dog response dog task word)
(color isa chunk) (word isa chunk) (red isa chunk) (green isa
chunk) (dog isa chunk))
(set-ia (red w2 -1) (red c2 -1)(green w1 -1) (green c1 -1))
(p name-color
isa name
dimension color
color =color
isa response
task color
stimulus =color
response =response
!output! =response
(p name-word
isa name
dimension word
word =word
isa response
task word
stimulus =word
response =response
!output! =response
(sdp w1 :base-level 2.0)
(sdp w2 :base-level 2.0)
(sdp w3 :base-level 2.0)
(spp :effort .6)
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