List Memory and Alphabetic Retrieval

David Klahr klahr+ at
Sat Feb 13 17:51:51 EST 1999

A question and a pointer:

The question:

Has anyone run an experiment that attempts to combine the effects in the
Klahr,Chase, Lovelace paper with the symbolic distance effects  (i.e.,
the fact that the RT to decide which of two letters comes first is
inversely proportional to their separation in the alphabet)?  That is,
has someone systematically looked at the SDE for pairs within and across
chunk boundaries?  It seems that such data would bear on the issues
raised today. And if so, is there a single model that can account for
the data?

The pointer is just to note that there was a recent critique and a
response to the KCL paper:

Klahr, D.(1994) Plausible models of Alphabetic Search:   A reply to 
Scharroo, Leeuwenberg, Stalmeier, & Vos (1994)Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.  20 (1).


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