Teaching Cognitive Science at CogSci99 Planning Meeting

ritter at psychology.nottingham.ac.uk ritter at psychology.nottingham.ac.uk
Wed Jul 15 15:02:28 EDT 1998

I thought you might be interested in attending the meeting noted
below.  You'll hear about it at the conference as well.



        Teaching Cognitive Science at CogSci99 Planning Meeting

  During the lunch break on 2 August we will have a short (30-40
  min.), informal meeting about teaching cognitive science.  You
  should get your lunch, and then meet in the "Inn Wisconsin East"

  We'll try to start about 15 min. into the lunch break to give people
  time to get food.  We will primarily be considering setting up a
  planning committee to make a proposal to include related activities
  in next year's Cognitive Science program (such as a tutorial program
  for attendees and a longer teaching symposium).  The committee so
  far includes Randy Jones, Pat Langley, Frank Ritter, Lon Shapiro,
  and Richard Young.

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