Parameter learning problem

Todd R. Johnson tj at
Wed Oct 8 12:29:11 EDT 1997

I've had similar problems with the compute/retrieve rules. One potential
source of the problem is that the retrieve rule bypasses recognition. One
possible solution might be to attempt to recognize the goal prior to
deciding between compute/retrieve. This would be easy to do with two
rules--one that recognizes the goal and a second fallback rule that
indicates no recognition. The retrieve/compute rules would be conditioned
on the results of recognition. This technique might also make the Act-R
models more consistent with the feeling of knowing data.

While testing experimental software to run alphabet arithmetic problems, I
noticed that I often recognize previously seen problems, even though I
cannot always recall their solution. In all cases, recognition seems to
preceed recall. I also found that I would sometimes begin to count up the
alphabet, while "simultaneously" attempting to retrieve a solution to a
recognized problem. By "attempting to retrieve" I mean that I have a
"feeling that I am trying to retrieve" while counting up the alphabet.
Sometimes I retrieve the answer and am able to stop counting.

Given the importance of compute/retrieve in many Act-R models, it looks
like its time to seriously model the feeling of knowing results.

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