Closure of leading UK cognitive science research centre

Stephanie Warrick S.Warrick at
Sat Sep 7 09:00:10 EDT 1996


To the cognitive science research community :-

I have just been told of a recent decision by the Medical Research Council
to close its Cognitive Development Unit (CDU) in London, on economic
grounds. Apparently the MRC believe that funding two psychology-related
research units in London, the CDU and the Institute of Psychiatry, is
unjustified. The decision is currently unofficial but is due for
ratification in a couple of weeks. 

As a research student in artificial intelligence with strong interests in
developmental psychology, I am appalled at this news. My particular interest
is that I have worked at the Unit in the past. I made friends there and
have kept one or two, which is how I've heard about this. 

There are so few centres for cognitive science research in the UK, and the
CDU is one of the best. Its staff have made exciting theoretical
contributions in infant perception, conceptual change in childhood, autism,
neuroscience and other areas of cognitive development.  There are very few
centres in Europe similarly equipped to do cognitive research with young
infants and children, and very few which promote the developmental
perspective across disciplinary boundaries. Given its international
reputation, its publications record, and its success in attracting prominent
researchers to the UK, I would have expected to see the CDU expanded rather
than closed. 

If you feel similarly, please spread the news of this decision to other
researchers, especially senior ones, who might be prepared to make an urgent
protest against the MRC's decision. It's very important that this takes the
form of civilised argument, and not orchestrated fury! In particular, if you
know anyone at the level of Council, please discuss this with them, without
delay. The MRC need to be persuaded of the damaging consequences of this
closure for the future of cognitive science research in the UK, before it is
too late. The following details may be useful:

	Medical Research Council
	20 Park Crescent, 
	London W1N 4AL
	United Kingdom

	tel  : 0171 636 5422  (or +44 171 636 5422)
	fax  : 0171 436 6179  (or +44 171 436 6179)
	email: tony.helm at
	WWW  :


Stephanie Warrick

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stephanie Warrick Tel: +44 171 3877050 x4413 Email: S.Warrick at
Computer Science, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

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