"Working Memory"

David Klahr klahr+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Nov 26 13:46:49 EST 1996

This is all quite fascinating, and I hope that someone is archiving this
exchange.  For folks who write about this kind of stuff (eg.  Bazerman,
"Shaping written Knowledge") it may someday  provide a interesting
example of the influence of terminology of the development and
propagation of concepts in a field.

In fact, it is surprisingly difficult to pinpoint exactly when certain
of our basic terminology was invented.  What was the first occurrence --
 in print -- of "means-ends-analysis" or "problem-space" or "weak
methods" or "cognitive architecture" or "mental model"?

One thing that is clearly unique about the current issue  is both its
explicit self-consciousness and its collective nature.  I think that
this did NOT apply to any of the other terminological decisions made

My two cents worth is to suggest that folks consider the following list
of synonyms for "chunk":  lump, clump, clod, hunk, gob, nugget, and wad.


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