Post-Doctoral Position Available

Lynne M Reder reder+ at CMU.EDU
Thu Dec 12 09:04:36 EST 1996

We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher to work
on two projects, funded by two agencies.  

One project involves trying to model individual differences in
performance using ACT-R, by estimating
a single parameter difference among subjects and using
this single parameter across tasks to try to account
for individual subject behavior.

The other project involves cognitive modeling in
a less well developed and much simpler framework
(the models are implemented in LISP) and looks a lot
like ACT-R's declarative memory.  This project involves
trying to account for individual subject's performance
in various memory tasks.  The attempt here is not to
estimate an individual difference parameter that is
held constant across tasks, but we do try to account
for behavioral data at a very fine-grain level, i.e., account for
performance on individual trials.

The first project is done in collaboration with Marsha Lovett and
Christian Lebiere.  The second project is
in collaboration with Christian Schunn.

We are interested in hiring someone either early in the
new year or at the end of the academic year.  

If you are interested, please send me your resume electronically and specify
when you would be available or prefer to 

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
Lynne M. Reder, Professor
Department of Psychology
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

phone:     (412)268-3792
fax:          (412) 268-2844
email:      reder at

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